Hey Lads
... no time for a novel ... so just the highlights.
Went to geisbright (sic) rd. with a few buddies that want to learn how to fish... so I figure hey why not... the Gong show!
Sorry to disapoint but only the resident idiot this time to deal with. He informed me when I got there that the whole bank ... about 45" was his and his newbie bottem bouncing girlfriends'.
Ya he even went as far as to show me all the bushes he cut down and cleared away so she had some room for her backswing. He had her hooked up to a 2 ounce bouncing Betty and a red 4/0 hook... nice long leader.
Yawn... this craps getting old
I went between them for a while ... entertainment value here.
I swear I left him alive
Finaly I settled into the "unfishable" ( his words )spot on the top of the pool had 1 spring hook up and 1 sock landed and gently released, several other Socks hooked up... got off.
Kinda slow fish wise... but the gong show was entertaining as hell. I have to admit that several of my well intentioned buddies were causing some of it with the odd miscast.
They are good guys, respectful and trying hard ... they will be in fine form in a week or two.
The system needs 10 - 15 days