First report - thought it was time I paid back some of the information to the community. Portaged the canoe down and took my kids and another family for some fishing on the lake. Was stocked on the 11th so I knew that we would be in for a good chance of catching something. 10 AM and we were the only people down there, one person fly fishing and one pontoon boating. Took us a while of trolling to find the fish and the lure combination - leeches weren't working, neither was small spoons. in the end we found the best combination was the #8 pumpkin bingo bug and up in the north west corner of the lake. Happy kids all round as 3 out of 4 caught at least one fish and the youngest managed to land a really nice sized trout - definitely had wintered over. Trip only marred by the 2 generations of DB's that I got into a "discussion" with about them parking in a disabled bay whilst I was reloading the canoe.
Here's the best fish (no idea how to embed)
Pro-tip, get your 5 year old to hold the fish, makes them look bigger.
Update: can't embed to OneDrive, so here is the picture, if people so care:!299450&authkey=!ALim6Or4icZMSp8&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg