The Chinook in the picture is a red. Blunt nose = red. That is the first thing I look for during the split second decision of "do I release it...or bonk it?" Fish has to be prime chrome shape. Or it is getting released. I have caught marble Chinook before, they are nice fish for the barb-e-que. I have heard a theory or two. Some say the marble Chinook has such a color because of what they eat. More shrimp = more red??? Some say it is the red Chinook cross bread with a white Chinook. If that is possible or not. I catch a few marbles on the Vedder every year in early september. You can't really tell until you gut it and fillet it that it is a true marble. The only indication I can see is they are in allot better shape (chromer) then the whites. I keep one white every year to make fish and chips with. Fillet it, cut it into smaller pieces, batter it up, a little tarter sauce, and you can barely tell the difference between a piece of cod.