This excerpt is from the BC Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Guide.
There is no limit to the number of fishing rods a licensed angler may use in tidal waters, except in the tidal portion of any stream or river
where the limit is one. Refer to the map and description of Fraser River tidal boundaries inside the front cover of this Guide.
• It is illegal to angle with a fishing line to which more than one hook, artificial lure or artificial fly is attached except:
– in the tidal portion of the Fraser River where you can use two hooks, artificial lures or artificial flies, attached to a bar rig.
– in most tidal water areas you may use any number of hooks attached to a fishing line if the hooks are used in combination to hold a single piece of bait and not arranged in such a fashion to catch more than one fish. This does not apply in those areas restricted to the use of only one single barbless hook.
As for Lakes.
A solo angler in a boat can have 2 rods. If there are 2 or more anglers in the boat, each angler can only fish with one rod each.