24" leaders compared to illegal fishing? That is an apsurd. There is no law limiting a lenght of leader. Do not want to go to ethical discussion - it never ends and talk here will not do any good if you find something unethical. Talk to your MP for a change of law, or organize a froup of people who will sign a petition. If you look at the law issue, what some people do is strictly illegal, and what other people do is maybe not ethical in somebodies view but have no legal consequences. I think what is at issue here, it is that even before we start talking about ethical issues we should be sure that law is respected, and that people who break it, and I do not care who they are, get what they deserve.
So, what I want to say talking about ethical issues is just energy consuming. Let's try to help Chris with suggestions how to force government to enforce the law they are paid to enforce. If I do not do my job for a week my boss would kick me out. It seems these people are not enforcing (for whatever reason - maybe they can not) law for a long time. So why they should be in the office and get my tax money?
Maybe there is a need for a better control and accountability of DFO?
just my 2c.