The guys in the pic look Rumanian ( Vlachs ).
dude, you really are something else, aren't you. You need to chill and go harder on your whiskey, cigars and expensive women.
You shredded a guy in another thread calling him stupid millenial and whatnot for no fricking reason, only because the guy mentioned he has a kid. So you could hate a stranger for the sole reason they are 20yrs younger? I guess midlife crisis sucks my friend eh? That's sad!
Then you proceed to call multiple people racist and biggots in several different threads, again for no specific reason.
You call people racist in several topics over the last few days and yet you come out with the bigest racist biggotry.
Please tell me more on why you think those guys are Romanians? I could also guess they are Indians refgees, arabs, ISIS or a thousand other stupid guesses.
Just because someones skin is darker on a grainy pic from distance doesnt mean two cents. Oh and FYI ethnic Romanians are white by the way.
And no I'm not Romanian, I'm just mesmerised by your cockiness and ignorance, like who the hell you think you are, Mr. Forum Police? Just because your are admin here doesnt give you special rights on insulting people!