It is still besides the point, it's like showing pictures of living conditions of people who actually choose to live on welfare rather than go get a job. It is their choice. If I chose to pack it all up and go live off the land in some isolated area with zero income (nevermind a low non-taxable income) would you be feeling sorry for me? Save your compassion for people who don't have a choice.
Choice is a funny thing ... do we really have as much choice as we think??
Lets say you had the courage to excercise your "choice" to go and live off the land some where.
How much tax would
you be paying on the nuts and berries you could scrounge?
I think the personal excemption is around $6700 before you would need to pay income tax if you could find work in the isolated area of your choice.
Feel sorry for you ?? (I never used those words by the way!) and no I would not feel sorry for you... might admire you a bit !
"Save your compassion for people who don't have a choice."
Immature statement here... gmanfxp This world needs more not less compassion.
And it is not "beside the point" its my point I'm entitled to it! Maybe you should try to understand me... and my point!
Back to your cold "compassion" statement...and your righteous "choice" statements... Do you propose the FN people, in light of your statements , leave their poverty and become your neighbour?