I was fishing a small stream today for ct and coho by trying my hand at trout beading, followed up by fishing through the run or pool again with micro jigs. My trout beading skills are so hacky, I knew I needed jigs to bat clean up.
At the head of one run, I thought I would do a couple of shock and awe twitches with a hot pink jig before I beaded through... I snagged the jig on a chunk of wood. It looked like I might be able to wade a bit and free it but I didn’t want to wallow around like a water buffalo and spook nearby fish so I lay the rod down, picked up the flyrod and fished through the run, intending to return to the snagged jig later and free it.
About 15 min later I returned to my rod and snagged jig. “That’s odd”, I thought, “the line sure is moving a lot. I don’t recall the current being that strong”. I looked in the water and saw a fish flashing and it dawned on me...the fish was on my line!
I picked the rod up and played a suprisingly good size trout (rainbow, I think) for bit until it came unbuttoned.
My guess is that the trout was attracted to the the pink marabou undulating in the current, went after it, and in the process freed the jig and hooked itself.
I’ll be turning myself into the COs for fishing with two lines, one of which was unattended
...edited to correct typos