This is a question that I have wanted to ask for some time now and is not specific to just sockeye fishing, but because it is the season, I will use it in my expamples.You see an infraction while sockeye fishing and you have the # to DFO and you call them to tell them what?
"Hi, I am at so and so bar, there is a guy in brown waders wearing a cap. He kept a fish that was hooked in the my friend. It was his second fish, so he went home. Thanks. Bye."
Or for those of you who do the "Observe, Record, Report", are you really gonna walk back to the guy's car and lose the spot that you woke up so early for, to record his LP#? What if you are at the Scale Bar where a round trip walk will take approx. 1 hr, or if you are on a boat access only bar, are you gonna follow the guy who is in the unmarked aluminum boat back to the boat launch and record his LP#?
And finally, I'm assuming that a lot of you go fishing with at least one or two others, and that you are caucasian males. I usually go alone or with my father who is way too old and frail to be scrappin'. Well, I am not a caucasian male and quite honestly do not want to end up like the "hero" gas station attendant in Richmond. If you confront the violator on the bar, the crowd mentality can go either way. If you follow the violator to his car and you have no backup there is potential to be my smelly socks kicked.
For the record, I myself have yet to keep a foul hooked sockeye. In the instances that I have seen a foul hooked sockeye, somebody else on the bar has piped in. As for other river systems, I try to get away from the crowds (ie - avoid places like KWB) so I have to say that I have honestly not seen any visible infractions. Also, I don't get out as much as some of you guys do.
Just interested in what the responses are. I have not expressed what I would personally do, because quite honestly, I don't know what I would do. So, nobody reading this can accuse me of breaking any rules.