A group is attempting a ban on hunting of large carnivores and more - here’s the statement from the sheep society;
‘Thinly veiled under the guise of conservation, a concerted attack is now in place against ‘large carnivores’- specifically named are black bears, cougars, wolves and elk as they are mentioned as ‘trophy hunted only’. Noted in this same push by anti-hunting groups are bighorn sheep, part of our very life blood as an organization. We know firsthand that these sheep are so much more than the ‘trophy’ as claimed- that they are an icon of the hills that we care so passionately about. And that through our annual sheep counts as volunteers, know that there are no dangers of extirpation.’Follow the link below to send an email and help out, sitting on our hands won’t assist us. It takes less than 3 minutes!
https://www.wildsheepsociety.com/actnow/Slippery slope this one. They have already identified sheep and elk hunting as their next targets.
Hope a few from here realize what we're up against, and take the few minutes required to help.