I found it a chore too, and I only had two fishing days to report. I don't keep a journal, only a few comments on my wall calendars, which I keep for a few years. I made a lot of guesses on expenses, time spent fishing each day, etc. I also made a mistake on what species I targetted on one day. Once you go to the next page, the survey doesn't let you correct mistakes.
In fine print at the bottom of the pages, it said to make corrections, to email them. With the amount of time I'd already spent on that survey, I wasn't about to get into an email conversation, so I just left the mistakes in. I hated to do that, since I'm normally a careful person, but I was annoyed at the way the survey was written.
What would it have taken the author of that survey to add an edit function, like every other online form I've ever filled out? Clicking the back button allows you to change an answer, but that correction doesn't show up on later pages. There could just be a review-edit page at the end. Somebody really dropped the ball on this one.