Also, what is the difference in the strains of coho? for example spring cap coho vs late January Harrison coho vs the mid-October Stave etc.
That’s a good question and reminds me that coho are a unique Pacific salmon species in that you can probably catch an adult coho in Region 2 in any month of the year . Personally, the latest I’ve caught one is January (seen them in February) and the earliest I’ve caught one is May.
This explains it better than I could “Coho salmon enter spawning streams from July to November, usually during periods of high runoff. Adult coho return timing reflects requirements of
specific stocks. For example, in some streams with barrier falls, adults arrive in July when the water is low and the falls are passable, however in some streams,
coho may wait until August or September when higher flows from fall rains allow passage into small streams not normally passable at low flows In large rivers, adults
must arrive early, as they need several weeks or months to reach headwater spawning grounds. Run timing is also regulated by water temperature at spawning
grounds: where temperatures are low and eggs develop slowly, spawners return early to compensate. Conversely, where temperatures are warm, adults are late