OK so heres my 1000 post, Rodney can you start me back at zero again?
So, where do I begin? got to the Peg Fri aft and met up with c mans bro and unhooked the tent trailer and busted out the cooler to finaly relax afer a long week
ring ring off goes Bros phone and get the word that C mans car exploded around lickman
so off goes bro to pick him up.Hour later they show up and we set up the bar rods and take in the show. saw a few springs landed but no shake n bake socks
Darkness falls but a few bouncers waited till probly 11 to give up
Then low and behold a crew of FN drive up and put in their set net beside us and set up camp, fire and all.Sociable enough and lots of talk over the fire untill the protest was mentioned and that seemed to make them very defensive and unreceptive to our explations.Oh well they left in the A M.Woke up to a few members of FWR bar n it and more came later, was good fun and Draggin sawing his rod holder all day with the hack saw was better that any slapstick
Then came time for Cman to pick up his boy at the Best western in the 'Wack, only to bring back my truck five hours later with out the boy
. shoulda taken my jacket out of the truck as I spent those 5 hours gettin soaked, did see the protest though and I hope they get their message across.All in all it was a tough weekend for C man but fun to meet some more members and see the protest as well.
And oh ya my bail spring broke too
time to buy a real reel.Needless to say we cut the trip short and headed for home after all the fun we had
see yall next time.