OR, maybe a new client....
Yeah, you go get yourself a new "client", thats fine by me.......
There are plenty of other "guides" out there who would love to take me fishing.......
Well, I still haven't seen any volunteers yet.
On the note regarding northern pikeminnows' niche in an ecosystem. It does play an important role, not only as predators that pose a limit on the growth of their prey, but also as a food source for some important species. Cutthroat trout, bull trout, dolly varden dine on juvenile northern pikeminnows during winter and spring. While they seemingly pose as a threat to the more desirable species (kind of ironic, I see ourselves pose an even bigger threat than them
), anglers should not be killing them without the recommendation of fisheries. Something to also remember, it is a native species after all, and some of its cousins in the minnow family are listed as endangered species. Do not confused them when bonking fish. The endangered species are salish sucker and (longnose dace? The name slipped out of the mind right now but will follow up). Want to know what pose as a threat to these tiny native species in the Fraser Valley? I'll let members take a few guesses first.