Ah. I went over to fishbc where there is a more "lively" discussion going on and I see where everybody is coming from.
The $64,000 question is "how much steelhead mortality is too much?" Many in the sports community say one is too much. DFO and the province agreed on 15% back in the spring, but that was before the stock estimates came in lower than predicted. DFO is still managing to the 15% level but the sports community feels that is no longer appropriate given the low returns and may have a valid concern.
There appears to be a whole bunch of finger pointing going on. Right now, it may be necessary to curtail commercial fishing to limit bycatch. But we should look at the big (historical) picture. The Fraser has been intensively fished by gillnets for 100 years, give or take, with WAY more pressure than there is now - more boats, more openings, longer and deeper nets. And the steelhead were doing fine until recently.
The pressure on the steelhead has increased in recent decades from many directions: increased sports fishing effort, increased native commercial fishing, climate change, habitat destruction. The pressure has DECREASED from commercial gillnet fleets.
I personally believe that gillnets are not selective enough and their days are numbered. My commercial fishing background is from seiners, which can be very selective. But I really don't think the gillnets can be blamed for the demise of this fish stock, given the history behind it.
Unfortunately for them, now that the stock is so low, they may have to bear the brunt of conservation measures, even though it may not be their fault.
Man, it sucks to be a commercial fisherman these days. I'm sure glad I sold my license a few years ago.