could someone enlighten me
fish the lower vedder again today at first daylight.around 8:00am,i'm hook up on my first coho.we're fishing right in the middle of the river,about three feet deep.we found a nice pool at the edge of the other side.since it will take me a long time to drag the fish to the other side,i ask my buddy if the fish is wild or a took me couple of minutes to navigate the fish near him to spot the fin real the minute he told me it's a keeper,my feet are rushing to the beach which is half way of the soon as i beach the coho,i started looking for something to bonk it,it's a solid ten pounder.ready to hit the head,i glance again at the tail one last look to be sure and there it was hanging,like a letter T figure where the adipose should be,like the fin has been cut only half and the lower half still there.i look at it for seconds and decided to release it since part of the fin is still there.
now my question,did i do the right decision?
my buddy told me that i should have kept it.
lower river was quite today,i work hard to get three coho,i guess two wild and a hatchery,from six in the morning until three in the afternoon.
my buddy got a wild and a hatchery doe.
fish hard and a lot of patience,tight lines!