I try to bring the fish to the shallows...once it flops on its side, dont drag it any further. Hop in the water quickly, tail it, remove hook, get pic if wanted and let it go.
With practice, you can hold rod with butt end in the water and resting on your knee being held in the crook of your arm against your body that is doing the hook removing. Have pliers in easy reach in pouch in vest/pocket etc. Then you can pick up fish's belly with the hand you unhooked it with and get a nice picture while holding your rod. Then the release.
Works well, but on occasion the odd fish isnt cooperate, but wouldnt be any more cooperative out of the water either if you think of it. I dont like them right out of the water on the rocks as they bang themselves more. Seems they are more quiet if left in some water.
Lots of good comments. I like the 'running a marathon' one. Reminds one to think from the fishes view.
Never use a net on the river. BP, are these nets you use those soft knotless ones Ive heard about? How's it work? Good for the places off rip rap or deep drop offs where my way does not work that well.