Thought you guys might wanna read a report even if you probaly dont fish over here.
After fogeting a map we went looking for the lake. We ended up taking a wrong turn on the millions of logging roads and ended up 4 by 4 ing up a mountain. We where sooooooo far off we ended up hitting the snowline! and im on the island! We had to be well over 1000 feet up. I jumped out threw a snowball then we turned around and went back all the way to the start and got a map. We found the right road after a couple tries then finally found the lake. The trip took 3 hours when it should have taken 30 min. We had to move a tree that fell the day before just to get there And the road was horible. It was freezing out and after a few minutes my hands were frozen! But i kept fishing but in about 2 hours i had to warm up. After thawing out i went fishing again. I was fishing from shore and had next to no room to cast but i managed ok and only lost 2 flies. Well i was tired of snaging trees and loseing the one fish i had on so i switched to a spinning rod. My dad asked if he could try a cast with my flyrod(he has no clue how to flyfish). Well he throws it out 10 feet and as im watching a nice cutt takes it I couldnt belive it. So i take a cast and bam i lose one and then another and another but finally i get one and another. My dad gets another on a spinning rod. The lake was rohdedendrum lake.I tell you because the chances of anyone getting to it are slim to none!!!
2 fish for me
2 for my dad(well 1.5 i say because one was caught on a spoon)
I got pics if any members can help me post them!