Brrrr...Left DT Vancouver early to hit the flow at first light. 2nd time out this season. I had a general idea what section of river I wanted to cover but no definite starting point. The descrete (and reliable) spot I began most trips at last year in the lower river was washed away by the fall rains.
I guess the cold and the wind kept most away today, at least in the lower river. I didn't see anyone for at least 2 hours this morning. Unbelievable for a Saturday given where I was but then again it was tough to get a good drift going with blasts of wind that would drag my float across the river. I floated roe (between gusts) and bounced a colorodo blade for most of the morning. Had 2 hits at first light then nothing. Around noon I decided to do a little wading to reach a channel on the opposite side of the river. new tiny Drennan goes down, I set the hook, see a flash and the heart starts going. After a few rolls and runs I get her in close enough to see the big wild adipose fin. I get her in shallow enough to pop the hook and for a final close look - Good size ~12lbs, bright chrome doe sent on her way.