FIshed up top today from Thurston down to below the Prison. Water is still nice and high, visibility was about 18-24" for us. I ran a big pink worm and my partner was fishing a Magnum bob. Howie hooked into one within first ten minutes just below Thurston, but it spat the hook on him after a few head shakes. Down at the bottom of the side channel near the Prison I had a solid take on my worm in tight to the shore, but alas, landing the first steel of the year was not to be. For some reason unknown to me, we decided to head across the Fraser after lunch and check out the Chehalis. Too many guys at Easter Seal, and I didn't have the ambition to climb around in the canyon, so we poked around in the trees. Lots of boot coho still around, and I spotted one steelhead that was coming in and out of sight from under a stump that I could not enitce to bite. Clear water and bright sun did not mix well here I suppose.