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Author Topic: Stamp - Dec 27-28th  (Read 6859 times)


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Re: Stamp - Dec 27-28th
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2005, 08:18:02 PM »

I guess you have not been at service road and have Nick go wild on you for also being in a jet boat and fishing the river?

As always, there's two sides to every story rln. Were you guiding at the time? If not, by the simple act of running the jet in the Stamp, you were in violation of the law. The current regulations state that there is a 9.9 horsepower restriction if you are not guiding. The local guides PAY for the priviliedge of carrying their customers in jets, and have to provide comprehensive (costly) insurance to do so as well. While rarely enforced, the law still stands. When folks come from out of town, and run their jets basically illegally on the Stamp, it is a VERY good idea to display your very best behaviour. Few now care about these illegal activities, but the fastest way to shut it down for everyone, is too display poor etiquette while fishing around other boats and/or shore fishermen. Nick is well known for his courtesy and respect of others while plying the flow, and the type of behaviour you described does not mesh with what I know of that man. I was concerned about your one-sided knock on a local fellow I happen to respect a great deal, so have chatted with Nick about this particular incident. It would appear that you made a direct and overt attempt at gunning him to fresh water while he had clients onbaord, and that is reason enough for me to understand why he may have given you a piece of his mind in this incident. I certainly would have, and it appears you knew what you had done wrong, as you departed rather hastily.

This is NOT meant as a flame or to slam you rln, but I could not let your comment directed towards this fellow simply stand. Ethics and common courtesy are now more than ever required on this system. It is becoming increasingly conjested, and that's the only way we'll all get along. Unethical, noncourteous actions WILL result in the current law being enforced, and I for one, wouldn't at all want to be responsible for wrecking the current conditions for yourself, nor the many others that come to have fun on this River of Dreams, the Stamp.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2005, 02:12:37 PM by IronNoggin »