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Author Topic: The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26  (Read 5757 times)

chris gadsden

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The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26
« on: January 26, 2005, 12:22:19 PM »

A quick report on this mornings outing as I wish to get back out there.

Met Nick on the river that had a visibility of about 14 inches. He had arrived at first light and when I arrived about 8 am he just had hooked about a 10 pound hatchery doe that he released. Prior to my arrival he had lost another right at the beach. When I was with him he missed 3 or 4 as well and landed another smaller hatchery doe also released as when he hooked it it jumped fell off but foul hooked itself as it fell off. Talk about skill. ;D ;D I released this fish for him. I had to come home for a bit but before I left I missed one fish.

Am meeting Nick and Don for lunch at Cookies now and then I am going to do some exploring in a much changed river.

As my report states there is a few fish out there but be cautioned as the river clarity can change at any time because of the slide and some apparant problems just above the crossing. The upper should stay in though. It is worth a try today if you can get out as more rain is in the forcast. :(

Chapter two to follow later when I hopefully can report a fish on the beach for yours truly. ;D

Just phoned Nick to say I would be a bit late for lunch and he has landed another and lost another one. Maybe I will be be able to find one also this afternoon. Also he saw one hatchery buck taken after I left by another angler. ;D
« Last Edit: January 26, 2005, 06:04:07 PM by chris gadsden »


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Re: The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2005, 12:28:55 PM »

Ya ya... Rub it in.... ;D

Back to work....  :-\


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Re: The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2005, 01:53:16 PM »

Good luck Chris......tell Nick to leave a few fish for us to play with on Saturday afternoon  8).


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Re: The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2005, 03:59:24 PM »

Because Saturday is the Vedder River Cleanup! :)


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Re: The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2005, 04:52:33 PM »

I'm the guy, that Nick was telling you about, who got the little buck, Chris. He was 6lbs almost exactly. Roe bags; in about a foot of water. Nick was there when I hooked and landed it. He'll be yummy on the BBQ!!! I started the day about 9am and me and the dog fished up near Peach; nothing. Tried another area and was walking down the bank fishing the shallows. I worked my way down a run where there where a few fellows in front of me. I fished above them, waiting my turn, as they. one by one moved out of the run to new places, until I got into the zone and whammo, fish-on. Nick was below and told me that he had lost one in the area earlier. Also met some amiable fellows named Harold and Tom, who were willing to chat about steelheading on the flow. All in all a nice day to be on the flow, and meet some of the weekday guys (I'm usually working weekdays; I;m on H-days now). I was wondring if anyone got any after I tagged and left?  


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Re: The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2005, 07:57:57 PM »

Amazing steelheading skill. That low a visibility (14") and that many hookups.  Short floating in shallow slow edges with roe sac?  But every one is doing it, why he seems to connect so much more?  He must use something else, like a special scent oil... ;D   Just kidding, nice report Chris. Just mirror what Nick does and see if you get the same result. ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: January 26, 2005, 10:11:20 PM by funfish »

chris gadsden

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Re: The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2005, 12:33:40 AM »

Well done Blueback and I heard congratulations are in order to your family on another front as well. ;D ;D

Chapter 2

I meet Nick and Don later than I had planned at Cookies Rest., due to the fact the security guy took longer than he was supposed to at the house. How does that happen and right in the middle of the day when we should be out on the river not stuck at home. After all we have not been able to fish the Vedder the last few days. ???

Anyway, I hear of all the action once again from Nick and Don over an excellent slice of Granny Smith pie at Cookies, nothing better than pie and coffee together except maybe a hatchery steelhead. ;D

I hear the run down of every detail of the 3 fish Nick had landed and the two lost and the numerous bites. Don also missed one in the short time he was out before they took the lunch break.

Anyway I decided to do some exploring after our gathering as I felt the "new hot spot" would be crawling with anglers after all the action there in the morning and I love seeking new spots after a high water. So finally I am back on the river after the forced 3 hour break :'( Don and Nick also teamed up to do some "looking around as well.

I run into Lew and tell him there has been some fish today but he has leave to chase down his fishing partner who had headed towards Fulcum Country. Lew first takes a picture of me with my new Maple Leaf bait rag Terry gave me, hope it brings me some better luck.

The area I am at has only one fresh set of man made tracks implanted in the virgin sand and I fish a good run before I am joined by another angler throwing a rubber worm but I am content to stick to my roe sacks. The visibility is sitting still around 14 inches, not ideal to me but the high water does create some nice little slots and riffles in the 2 to 3 foot range, plenty for the steelhead to lay in with the security of the coloured water above them.

I move along quickly checking for that ideal spot and also I want to check as much of the river as possible in the remaining 3 hours I have left, while still fumming about the 3 hour delay I had.

On the way up river I see an angler holding up a fish and Nicks tells me from opposite from where I am now fishing it was around 16, very nice. ;D

I have to cross several sandy areas that are like quick sand after the sand has been pushed into soft sand bars by the recent surging water of the Chilliwack. A couple of times I sink above my knee, tough to pull out of at times. I have seen worse so you have to tread carefully in such areas.

I run into Lew who has rescued Don C. from above the crossing. Don likes to fish FC. :o

Lew and I seem to have good luck when we meet unarranged on the river with one of us connecting several times over the years. When we are in a slump we always tell each other "one cast closer to your next fish"

We both arrive at the nicest spot I had seen in my afternoon trek, a riffle in the previously mentioned 2 to 3 foot range, I shorten up a bit after a few casts that had been a bit deep. On the first cast after the adjustment, balsa float down, my strike once again leaves something to be desired but I am dealt a couple of head shakes, a bit of a boil and the my record moves to 3 for 13. :'(

Lew and I can not entice it to come back and he throws a blade at it as well but to no avail as the steelhead has learned a lesson very fast.

I then head up stream and locate another couple of dandy spots but they were vacant of fish in the biting mood while I fished them. As I work my way down back to where I had lost the fish I see Joe on the right bank. He tells me on my inquiry of how he did to day, he answers back "six", I then ask how many landed, We don't want to talk about that he adds with a laught. So others are having trouble like me to land them too it seems. He also says he was into six more the day before, some fisherman that Joe. Here I have been into only 13 all season and he has 12 in two days. ??? Is it that Joe is a commercial fisherman that helps I wonder but Nick is not one just top rods that think more like a fish than me I decide as I bid Joe a goodbye from afar.

Lew and Don offer me a ride back to my car but I have left one of the brood capture tubes down river a bit so I have to retrieve before I leave so I have to decline. I have a few more minutes to fish anyway but as the rain starts to fall I prepare to call it a day. A small trout or dolly splashs right at my feet almost if it was signalling to me to leave the run to it for the evening as it is feeding time for it and for that matter me too. These small trout come out near dark from their hiding spots as they know the diving ducks and meganziners that search for them during the daylight hours have left for their night resting spots.

I trude once again throught the side channels trying to avoid the quick sand that is making my legs very tired after all I have walked a few miles today. Now I wish I had excepted Lew and Don's offer of a ride as it takes me 15 minutes to walk back to the Leaf Mobile.

As I strip off all my fishing gear I pour a cup of coffee from the thermos, still steaming. ;D I relaxe a bit, sipping, enjoying the coffee as it sooths my parched throat from alll the walking I have just completed, thinking of the day now past, the day ahead as  the rain is now pounding down on the hood of the truck. I hope not too much to colour the water more than iy was today. All this combined with the roar of the river in the distant background is sweet music to this anglers ears as night now has enveloped the surrounding woods, paradise!!

As the LM purrs to life, the radio traffic reports on 1130  break me from my thoughts of a good day even though fishless. The traffic report gal talks of the traffic "slow downs on Highway Number 1 East bound from 176th to 200th and beyond she says", how lucky I felt to be free of that.
I arrive home for a short nap, supper and then to badminton in Abbotsford, a full day needless to say.

Tomorrow will bring another adventure in Rainbow Country hopefully without the rain part. Fish to 9 am, then coffee with the CVRCC directors before we cleanup our area on the river as we will be too busy on Saturday to do our section. Then hopefully back to the river, looking for the first hatchery of the year or maybe I will get it before 9, ;D ;D life is sure great.

 I see it is now 12:33 as it is bed time, 7 hours from the first cast of a new day on the Vedder River ;D ;D
« Last Edit: January 27, 2005, 06:03:02 AM by chris gadsden »


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Re: The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2005, 06:46:26 AM »

Good report as usual Chris and as I tip- tap this my thermos has just been filled in preparation for my first steelhead trip of the year. I was to head out two days ago but things always have a way of throwing a roadblock in your path, sometimes. Filled with thots of other fishermens success yesterday I think it shall be a most wonderful time at the Vedder and the weather looks great for a nice day of hiking and casting. Will fill everyone in later on as to how I fare. Good Fishing All.


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Re: The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2005, 10:25:51 AM »

Thanks Chris! As I sit here typing this sleepily (just got up as I was awake late and frequently with the baby), I'm thinking of what the morning would have been like on the river; what, if anything, was taken, where and by whom (hope you get your hatch today Chris)? Oh well; the wife gave me the all clear for Friday, if the requesite number of chores are completed today (when did I start asking if I could go fishing? I guess it all begins with the baby ;)). I look forward to the later reports of the day!


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Re: The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2005, 11:26:56 AM »

Hello Moroso.....Chilliwack does not expect any precipitation from Thursday afternoon to Friday afternoon. There is forcast for only light rain on Saturday......why do you think the river will be blown?? ::) ::). Is there anything you know that we don't know?? I think the river would definately be fishable......well I hope so  ;D ;D. After the cleanup....guess where I'll be? 8).


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Re: The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2005, 07:55:16 PM »

Hi everyone, well as I mentioned earlier when I left for the Vedder I would post a report upon my return. Started the day at, of all places, under Kieth Wilson bridge because in the past I've seen some very nice steelys taken from there and hey, I have to drive right by it. There is presently a big log jam right under the bridge on the north side which presents certain problems but I did manage to make a few casts and covered some good water but was unable to hook into any steely's. So into my stealthy steel steed I went and continued down the road. At my next stop, still in the lower part of the Vedder as I was checking out the terrain I heard a familiar voice call out and turned to see Chris Gadsen  saying Hello. He mentioned that someone had  caught one just a little while earlier and that he had one on himself but it got off. He was just leaving so I bid him adieu and he said Good Luck and off we went.
It was 8AM. and only five minutes after saying good-bye to Chris that I begun fishing. The water conditions were okay, not great, water was still coloured, visibility was  about 18 to 24inches depending on your bait of choice. Flow was walking speed inside four feet and a little faster beyond that, at least where I was. I decided to start with pro-cured chum roe and after fishing for five minutes, Whammo, there she was. The problem was after about five head shakes she said "Im outta here" and she or he was gone.It left me totally pumped and waiting for the next big bite. Problem was that bite would'nt come for another 5 hours . I fished
alternating between two rods, one that had a colorado on it and the other bait, mainly roe. At 12noon I left for a bite to eat in town and arrived back to fish at about 1PM. Whammo again. Fished for only 10 minutes and caught a beauty. I was using coho roe this time and hooked about an 8 or 9 nine pound buck, so chrome. Two fellows there helped me as it was quite the fighter but upon seeing that it was a buck we kept it in the water and released it.
As excited as I was that was to be all the action I would see that day. One person fished the same run that I was at for a bit and he had one on and as I walked down to help him it got off, so that was too bad. Another fellow whom I did'nt know  but do now hooked and landed a beautiful 10LB. hatchery steely using pro-cured spring roe. Brett was only fishing for about 15 minutes and Whammo, there she was. The lucky bugger. I tailed the girl for him and then it was handshakes all around. Brett could'nt believe it. All that way from Richmond for fifteen minutes of fishing? I  told him he could give the beauty to me if he wanted to,Oh Yeah he said!
Anyway's guys and ladies thats it for this report, good fishing all.


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Re: The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2005, 09:22:27 PM »

Great post Athezone, and congratulate a wonderful first trip this year.  Did you hook your fish close in, and were there a lot of fishers there?


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Re: The Master Is Certainly A Master, Vedder Jan. 26
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2005, 10:34:26 PM »

Thanks Funfish, and I happened to hook all my fish at the same range, which was the 4 to 5 ft. range.  :)