Well, I was still searching for chrome right until dark.
Got up to flow later than intended (dang Texas Hold-em nights). Was wondering about water conditions as it was raining when I left.
As I took the Yarrow exit, I popped a hard butterscotch candy into my mouth (cuts down on them cancer sticks
) and ...well.. if you're like me, you get that urge to bite it right away instead of letting it just dissolve. Well just before the KW bridge I'm thinking
....what's that extra piece floating in my mouth... I didn't break the candy. Sure enough...I guess I semi bit down on it hard enough and managed to break a chunk of molar off (inside of the tooth). Great I think...now here's a sure few trips to the dentist.
They'll love 40+ old teeth.
Spent the rest of the day poking it with my tongue...you've all been there I'm sure. At least there isn't no nerve exposed (tooth was filled previous).
Not a good start but we plod on. Pulled into the Blue Heron reserve and decided to check a few ol' coho spots. Seen the pile of garbage, nice job everyone. Water was still good 2' + vis...but, nada. Then headed up to the PV as my tummy said it was time to eat.
After a good lunch, I headed up to Johnnies Hole...wow... still allot of water. Fished the pockets down to the Ranger...nada. Well I figured I'd try down around Peach till dark.... passing the Cedar run...I noticed 8 vehicles still parked.... ...Fish?....ahhh...onward we went.
Parked at the boomsticks and walked down to the run....nada...seen one whitefish roll...talked to a few other anglers and they said nothing doing. Decided to go for a walk and fish any good looking water....almost got to Lickman before turning back. All looked better from the other side.
Seen a hatch taken on the way back up (other side...figures), as darkness nears, I met a fellow (heading back to Peach) that was fishing the run I started at. Go figure, another guy walked in and hooks a hatch, just after I left.
Such is searching for chrome. 0/2...but we're one trip more the wiser.