The deal was that if I got enough jobs crossed off my list yesterday, I could hit the river today as wife and baby had an afternoon appointment (and I'm still on holidays!!). The dog and I arrived at the scene and saw that the number of guys at the 'hot spot' had easily doubled since I was there on Weds.
, so I decide I'll do just what I did on Weds. which was to start at the top of the run to let the guys who arrived in front of me, cycle through the choice water. So there I am, standing at the top of the run, looping on a roe bag to my 1/0 gammy and looking at the nice shallow, riffly water I was about to cast into. First cast, with the float about 8in. above the lead and she is drifting only as a presentation with a centre-pin can. I'm watching as she starts to get near the end of a really nice first drift and the little black foam float takes a duck; I set the hook and a chrome bar steely takes off for the middle of the flow; first cast!!! As I play the nice little hen, I see a fellow hurrying down the beach toward where I planned to inspect her for an adipose. The fellow walks up and says, "Hi, I'm Chris Gadsen, if it's a wild one would you like to donate her to the hatchery broodstock program?" "Sure", I say. Then Chris says, "Hey, aren't you the guy who got the buck near Nick on Weds"? I say, "Yes, I am; pleased to meet you"! As I continue to play the fish we see that she is a hatchery so Chris helped me get her up on the bank to be honored and dispatched. After I get the fish bleediing (pull a gill after killing her to allow the blood to drain), the other guys on the run start to talk to me and I discover some of the fine fellows I met on Weds were fishing just below me (Harold, Ken and Bob; and of course Chris). It sure was nice to finally meet Mr. Gadsen (a veritable Chilliwack fixture and legend) a well as on-line personality and all-around nice guy
. Great to finally meet ya Chris, Hope you got that first hatch today; if not tommorrow may be the day, after the cleanup. If the wife (and new baby) allows, I will be there as well.
I will send a couple of pics. of the last couple of steels I got to Rodney to see if could post 'em. Wondering how everyone else did after I left this AM. Tight Lines!!
PS- Weighed her at Freds's-10lbs-4 ounces.