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Author Topic: Hole in the Wall, Monday May 23  (Read 2725 times)


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Hole in the Wall, Monday May 23
« on: May 23, 2005, 08:39:15 PM »

Lots of boats first thing this morning for a few hours.

Got at the hole about 730 am...and asked a guy in a car topper if he had seen anything yet..he said "NO"

NOTHING being caught up to Sunset Beach--at least not one that I saw...

If there ain't no fish, this has GOT TO BE one of the most BORING places on earth to fish.

Stopped off at Horseshoe Bay for some Fish'n Chips...that was the only fish we saw all day! :) lol.


chris gadsden

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Re: Hole in the Wall, Monday May 23
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2005, 11:45:19 PM »

Reading your post FM brought back some memories from around the middle 60's. A little story for a late Victoria Day evening and besides I have not written a fishing report for some time. Here goes with a report from 40 years back. ;D

My wife and I were staying in the St. Alice Hotel in North Vancouver, anyone remember it? It has been torn down now. It and the Olympic Hotel (The Big O) were a couple of wild places those days especially for a country boy like me, just out of high school, just married  ;D and just starting out in the work place.

Anyway those were the days as we had race horses at Hastings Park, lots of time to take in all the entertainment that Vancouver had to offer including the Old Vancouver Canuck hockey games that were playing in the Western Hockey League. As well the Leafs were rolling rolling rolling right along winning numerous Stanley Cup's ;D ;D ;D (FA will latch on to this I am sure)

I am geting badly side tracked, sorry.

One day I asked my wife if she would like to try some fishing, of course in those days she was very agreeable to anything, so off we went to Horseshoe Bay. Over the years I had read about the Vancouver Sun Derby in this area and I always loved Len Norris. His cartoons of this derby were priceless. Sort of reminds you off some of the fishing on the Fraser River at times, I bet he could have drawn some good ones of this as well if he was alive.

As well I remember Lee Straight and others writing of the fishing at the Hole In The Wall so I thought it would be the place to go.

We rented a boat at Sewells of course and bought some frozen herring there as well as we would be doing some smootching, sorry mooching as I had done lots of it at Cowichan Bay on Vancouver Island in the 1950 and early 60's, before heading to the unknown ahead of me on the Mainland

With two mooching rods rigged we were on our way to the legenary fishing spot. I of course tried to keep out of the way of the ferries wake as my wife disliked the waves but in those days the ferry traffic was nothing like it is now. If I remember right there was hardly any other fishing boats around.

 It was a lovely Summer evening to be out on the ocean once again, not a care in the world for us, no thoughts of pollution, war in Iraqi, global warming, illegall fishing, bait bans, barbless hooks, bottom bouncing, corrupt governments,and the list could go on, how things would change in the next four decades or was it just the innocence of youth we were experiencing.

I can not remember how long we were  fishing but when my wife was reeling in we saw a salmon chasing her plug cut herring to the boat but it turned away when it saw the shadow of our rented white craft.

I was more excited than her I remember as I knew there was fish around. ;D

A little while later I see the tell tale bend on my wife's rod, "let him take it I bark out", the bend in the rod increases, "set the hook is my next command". I do not know if she ever did as line starts to peel off the single action reel. My wife most likely had never caught anything bigger than a bullhead and the knuckle buster was causing her all sorts of problem. "You take it" she says, which I am happy to do as I would sure like a fresh fish and the chance to fight a fish once again. Now I would never dream of taking it, how times change.

Anyway a good tussle takes place and we are happy to net a 15 pound white spring, most likely heading for the Squamish River.

We are both excited with our catch and as dark approaches the happy couple heads to Sewells dock to show off our prize.

Those days Ted Peck had his fishing show on the radio so I phone in from a pay phone to boast of our skill but for some reason as I am to go on the air the line goes dead. ::)

Anyway that was the only fish we could catch as a few more trips saw us blanked.

Good memories indeed and I can say, or was it my wife that caught a salmon at the famous Hole in The Wall, maybe I should return there one day before it is too late.

Time for bed and to dream about those good old days, there were sure great. ;D ;D

Maybe I can dig up a photo of this fish if I can find it and post it at a later date.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2005, 01:55:28 PM by chris gadsden »

Fish Assassin

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Re: Hole in the Wall, Monday May 23
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2005, 12:00:16 AM »

As well the Leafs were rolling rolling rolling right along winning numerous Stanley Cup's ;D ;D ;D (FA will latch on to this I am sure)

 :-X :-X :-X :-X


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Re: Hole in the Wall, Monday May 23
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2005, 10:08:18 AM »

Hey, that was quite the story.

I still like to listen to my dad who used to fish Howe Sound and he tells of all kinds of times that he entered the Vancouver Sun and other derbies.

he particularly likes to tell of one derby where he and another boat were fishing Anvil Island and it was gettting close to the time where you had to pull your lines and run back full throttle for the weigh in--if  you thought you had a contender.

At any rate, my dad was was  out fishing in a 12 foot Smoker Craft with 9.8 HP Mercury on the back, and that boat just flew with a 9.8 (my dads words--he still says he could beat the ferries...)

At any rate, my dad got one on and it literally towed the boat all over the place...and after chasing the fish around for about 45 minutes...he got it close enough for a look and he nearly dropped the rod from the was in the high fifties! At any rate, over the next few minutes attempting to coax the monster closer to the net, out pop the hooks... >:(  :o

Let's keep in mind folks that we were fishing with Peetz reels back then, and most people never fished with cheater Shimano's (drag on the one way--out!) and short 8 foot trolling rods..(they were EXPENSIVE).so playing a beast like that is TOTALLY different than on a 10.5 foot rod with a sweet reel.

At any rate, out went the lines for another quick shot at it before heading back for weigh in.

Just then my Dad notices the other boat with a hog on, and after a few minutes they hauled in a massive Chinook.

My dad scoots on over and has a peek--he couldn't believe his was soon to be the Derby winner.

At that point, my dad and the other boat scream back WIDE OPEN all the way to Horseshoe Bay and hit the dock 5 minutes before the end of the derby. It was the winner, in the high 50's.

Folks, if we could get the Kelp growing in Howe Sound the way that it used to, and the massive amounts of bait that used to be so plentiful around there back again, along with some enhancements, we may once again experience something so beautiful as the above story.


chris gadsden

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Re: Hole in the Wall, Monday May 23
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2005, 01:49:04 PM »

Enjoyed your story as well, great memories to say the least, they will last a life time and that makes fishing such an enjoyable activity.

I still have few clipping of Mike Crammond's hunting and fishing columns from the Province, must dig them up and read them again. ;D
« Last Edit: May 24, 2005, 01:56:19 PM by chris gadsden »


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Re: Hole in the Wall, Monday May 23
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2005, 04:59:27 PM »

Sad to say Chris, but unfortunately, those memories and stories of the past..will never be again..but yes...I agree, it is those memories that keep us fishing.

Tight Lines to all!
