Well after reading with such interest the posts on this forum about this great method I finally had the opportunity to spend some time
at it .Although I have fished the Fraser many years I did not get outfitted for this till last year.I did not get out last year but was ready,armed with lots of good info from this board on tackle and technics.Thanks to all who contribute stuff here about this pleasing way to pass a day.
On to my day.I live on a small private lake.We residents stock it with rainbows regularly and the fly fishing in my back yard has been spectackular this year.I only mention this as contrast to the topic as we all can get too much of a good thing.
Loaded up, I headed out to check creek mouths and some bars just to see their status with the high water.Pegleg was up to the road end (not even room to turn around.Further out most of the sockey bars were still completely under water.Lower water levels than I would have thought in the creeks although i guess the warm wheather and rain caused alot of the local snow to melt early this year.
River level was dropping and Laidlaw shows some promise soon.
Rigged up at a creek mouth near Hope where some old timers were bar fishing.They said it has been very slow but last week when the water was higher with rain a few fish were caught. They said that on the weekend out of eighteen boats at the Vedder mouth only one fish was caught.Also two native boats fished with nets at Hope for three days last week without any real results so they quit for now.I fished about 5 hours without seeing a fish sign.
What a different experience to bottom bouncing though,everyone i ran across was friendly and full of helpful info and just good company.I have not had a more pleasurable day on the Fraser with or without fish.I much prefer with.
My tackle performed great and i went home with a keen sense of anticipation of this years summer bar fishing season. My thanks again to those members of this board who have contributed on thi topic and gave me the incentiveve to try this excellant aspect of our resource.
If you hve not tried this fishing method on the fraser I highly recomend It as I find it to be much closer to the reasons I fish than some other technics.
See you out there Riverman