Since I havent had much luck barfishing for salmon lately decided to try fishing for some pikeminnows with the ultralights just for fun. First cast I got snagged and lost my bar rig which took forever to tie up, my girlfriend casts her setup about 10 feet off the shore and a couple seconds later she says "fish on", I turn to look and see what appears to be a snag but she insists the fish is still on, seconds later I see a chinook or possibly steelhead of about 10lbs jump then look back to her to see that her line is slack and broken off. Turns out she had hooked into something big, something that took us both by suprise considering we were using dough balls on really small hooks and 6lb line! we were sure it wasnt a bulltrout, reason I thought it might of been a steelhead because it was a little coloured. We were both a little upset that we left our bar rods at home.