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Author Topic: Email to Global TV  (Read 2686 times)

Piscatoral Pete

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Email to Global TV
« on: August 22, 2005, 10:03:01 AM »

This has not been posted to stir up debate, namecalling, ect. I would just like to encourage ANYONE who feels as stongly about issues like this to take 10 minutes out of your life and write an intelligent piece. Send it off. It will never do any harm. It might just end up on the desk of someone who is as passionate as you and has the power/authority/visibility to really make an impact.


I wish to applaud all those from Global TV and others involved in the continuing concerns regarding the state of our Pacific Salmon Stocks. It is because of increased media coverage like that given by Global that residents of BC will hopefully not have to live through what has happened on the East Coast with the collapse of the Cod Fishery.

Your coverage of the Cheakamus Spill undoubtedly opened up many eyes to how fragile our West Coast Rivers and Streams are. Hopefully the coverage will not stop now that the wreck has been removed. The true damage is just now coming to light. Updates of the damage will surely help in putting valid public pressure on CN to be held completely responsible for re-establishing the Cheakamus to its’ former state or better. I shudder to think how long it will take to re-establish the populations of fish and other aquatic life.

I was impressed with last night’s story regarding First Nations fishing outside of allowed times.

So far this year First Nations are the only group to be given the opportunity to harvest Fraser River Sockeye. Commercial and sportfishermen are waiting to get their chance while certain First Nation groups repeatedly ignore DFO orders with little or no penalties. Your story last night seems to sum up the attitude of many of the First Nations Fishermen. They do not care what DFO says regarding when and how many fish they can take. This is a very sensitive fishery and DFO needs to be aware of the numbers of fish that are being taken out of the river. First Nations fishermen are required to unload their catches at predetermined unloading sites so that DFO can monitor the situation. Many are not doing this. In one day I have personally witnessed over a half dozen pick-ups with fish-bins being loaded up at public access points in the Steveston area of the Fraser River. DFO is not just pulling these times, dates, and numbers out of a hat. They are trying to protect endangered stocks of sockeye by ensuring that enough fish reach the spawning grounds.

This is supposed to be a subsistence food fishery. First Nations are supposed to be fishing for food to feed their families for the rest of the year. Fish are NOT supposed to be sold out of the back of pick-up trucks and at road-side stands. I would like to see a public reminder that it is ILLEGAL to purchase any fish in such ways. These fish are not cleaned or handled in a facility/method inspected by any government agency.

I fully understand that the First Nations People have a special connection to the Pacific Salmon and that it is an integral part of their life. I just wish that they all showed as much respect for the resource as they claim to have.

We all need fish for the future.

Thank you for your continued efforts in educating the public on this important issue.



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Re: Email to Global TV
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2005, 10:26:07 AM »

 :o :o enjoyed reading your post and good for you emailing this off . most of the fishermen agree with you 100% but it seems only the first nations voice is the one heard. maybe if we all took the time to write a sensible letter like yours will  we be heard also.  ;D


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Re: Email to Global TV
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2005, 11:21:44 AM »

good on you for sending the letter. I hope more people here do the same as you.lets hope it ends up on the right desk.

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Re: Email to Global TV
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2005, 11:03:53 PM »

What is the email address or web site of Global TV?