so in the notice they issued , FN0662, issued September 6th that stated the following: QUOTE:
First Nations targeted Fraser River sockeye fisheries in the Fraser River above
Sawmilll Creek are continuing; fisheries below Sawmill Creek are currently
closed and further opportunities are not anticipated.
So we are to be of the understanding that DFO is full of crap, not to be trusted and thier word is generally worth buttkiss. They issue a notice like this, then A FREAKIN DAY LATER THEY BACKPEDDLE AND ALLOW ANOTHER FN FISHERY!!!!!
Rod, I have a lot of respect for you and your opinions on all this but man.... you are giving DFO too much credit.... don't be fooled into taking thier side on this. This very situation that caused me to post this PROVES that those running this show are absolutely out to freakin lunch and are not doing the job us TAX PAYERS pay them to do. And they are a bunch of cowardly liars as well.
FN 0662 proves that.