I thought i would post some pics from the weekends fishing and hope some other people will also. I fished saturday and today with good succes. Saturday i tested out the new U-boat on spider lake for bass since i had never caught one. It took me 10 seconds to catch my first. I walked 10 feet from the car to the lake and saw a school of almost 20 small ones in the shallows. I ran back to the car grabbed my pre rigged rod threw out the tom thumb and bang first bass. I caught at least 30 more from the tube but they were all small 5-8 inches. The tom thumb was alright but a olive green gold bead headed leach was much more effective. I saw one large trout jump in the middle of the lake and that was the only one i saw.
The tube was great

Tiny bass caught at the very end near shore

Today i went down to the river for cutts and caught a few on different dry flies. I only fished for about an hour and lost alot of fish before i landed two nice ones. I finally had someone with me to take pics. They were around 14-15 inches give or take an inch.
Small cutt

Decent one

another pic of it

Fighting a nice one

A nice one a bit bigger

another pic

Howd everyone else do?