No this is not a fishing trip or it would be under Fishing Reports.
Lew and I spend the time checking out the garbage situtation for the Chilliwack/Vedder River Cleanup Coalition's BC Rivers Day River Cleanup and celebration set for this Sunday. We also met 2:40 at Thompson Park, the venue for the day to store the CVRCC display and other items for the event.
We drove in Lew's truck from the mouth of the Vedder to the Limit Hole below the Chilliwack River Hatchery and marked on Lew's sheets the areas that need the most attention. We also marked some areas with a number sign so Lew can easily direct people on Sunday to the area.
Some areas were quite clean while others were a real mess so there will be plenty for the volunteers to work at.
I hope we have a good turnout to make all the work worthwhile that has gone into arranging the day.
This year besides the usual cleanup, displays, a lunch provided, prize draws we have one of Chilliwack's best musical groups (Trevor MacDonald) playing from 12 to 2. As well we are very pleased to have Mark Angelo attending. Mark first started BC Rivers Day many years ago and will be there around 9 am to kick off the day so we hope to have a good show of support at that time.
I hope as many as possible from this forum will be able to turn out as it will be a fun day as well as cleaning up the Chilliwack/Vedder River, a river that we get so much enjoyment from and hold so dear to our hearts.
Hope to see on Sunday the regulars that attend each cleanup and some new faces.