OK I get the general idea. It's alright to post a suggestive picture of tough guys showing their Magnums and Rugers as a joke. That won't have an impact on the minors...
It also appears good to sound sympathetic to the victims and go through the motions of reporting to the police to record the statistics. However, it appears to me that the general behaviour is analogous to the law of the jungle, ie in the African savannah where one can visualize the predators making a kill and the herd instinct is life goes on, as long as it doesn't happen to me.
Sorry Rod, if I come on too strong and the video depicted action that was somewhat over the top. The thing that really bothers me is that generally speaking our society is on a downward spiral to a state of degeneracy.
I have made my contribution of over 5 years of voluntary service in CPAC (community policing access centre) in both Coquitlam and Chilliwack. Seen the crime statistics and seen some positive results.
What I hate to see is the head-in-sand attitude in some quarters by throwing up their hands rather than possibly taking more appropriate action. Let's face it, things are not getting better, it is getting much worse, and hopefully someday we'll see the escalation of desperate measures taken to rid this malaise . Hate to see us following the example of a U.S. community where the residents are urged to arm themselves for self protection because their police can't cope with the problem.
Feel free to delete this post , just straight talk from a guy fed up with the situation and the bad guys are winning.