Just a head's-up for any considering the journey over to the Stamp.
Re: The maps Kelly generously provided from Gone Fishing's site:
The marked access into Eagle Rock, The Slide and Falls Pool has been gated at the airport. It opens daily ~ 9:00 am, and closes ~ 4:30 pm. Not a good idea to be in behind there that once it closes (you will be in for the night). There is another gate in the works for the main access to the same locale, just behind the airport near the gravel pit. That one, once installed, will be closed on a permanent basis.
Additionally on the same map, the labelled boat launch across the river from the Gun Range is currently under "user-pay" access. Report to the Office upon enterring the Shingle Mill, you may or may not be granted access for the day (lately the majority have been turned away).
The access to Money's Pool via the East or Park side is currently under a great deal of controversy. Please make certain that you contact the landowner before enterring. It is uncertain if that access is open at this time. Access on the West side is an strenuos hike, involving a good bush-whack, and a descent/extraction down a very steep timbered hillside. Be in very good physical shape if considering this route.
More and more access to this Great River is being curtailed, largely due to the actions of a few slobs, leaving garbage behind, and downright vandalism to private property. Please bear this in mind, and leave nothing behind but your footprints. T'would be a shame were we to lose all current access due to the actions of a few.