is it just me or are all you guys seeing these "european accent" guys snagging the heck out of the fish?

i thought it was my imagination, but at the vedder in sept. myself and another guy down shore of me on the vedder, got into it with these two 'Poles. who were flossing away, one guy took 6 fish and that's when we finally said "your out of here" and started to rip into him, his buddy was foul hooking fish and when i pointed it out he squeesed the fishs eye togeather and killed it and said "it's dead anyway" that sent me off on him....last time at suicide a guy shows up and starts flossing away and keeps landing some pretty nasty boots..again, myself and another guy on the river..(guy named jason, great guy, good fisherman) started asking him "what the hell are you doing"?
I'm from the U.S. and am married to a canuck, and i love your rivers, they are so beautiful compared to what's around me in b'ham and blaine etc..mud holes mostly...i try to keep my mouth shut because i don't want to be seen as an "ugly american" but lately i just can't seem to keep it shut...that's just total B.S. i take my digital camera now and will take their picture, they see me doing it too, i make sure of it..and i tell them i'm going to hand it over to your DOF and tell them what their doing...they tend to leave pretty quick after that....
I don't know if this is a "european thing" if they really need the fish that bad or what...but man, it's raping your fisheries...that and the garbage everywhere...another vent maybe but my buddy and i make sure to point out to offenders that they better be packing it back out with them and make sure they pick it up...OK, sorry for the blow...