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Author Topic: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)  (Read 7046 times)


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Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« on: November 14, 2005, 07:19:03 PM »

changed my plan in the last minute and decided to head to stave instead of chehalis.  I have been fishing this lovely stave river at least once a week for the whole month now, and toilet bowl is still my only choice. it was pretty foggy in the morning, sunny yet chilly at the river.  it was just a gorgeous day to be at the river today!  not a whole lot of people fishing there, about 8 other fishermen in sight around the river, lots more rotting chums on the shore this week.  water was low, not a lot of jumpers and hell lots of half dead chums struggling along the shore.  half an hour into fishing, my float sunk and i set the hook right away and got my first fish on of the day, it took me 5 minutes to land the fish. yeah it was a chum.. but it was a pretty doe at around 10lbs with lots of silver on her still. that was it after that, action slowed down a lot and i couldn't get a freaking bite using wool, chucking spoons and spinners .. fly fishermen were doing better though.  a fly fisherman caught 2 slightly coloured coho at the backwater and a few wild trouts, which he released.  a senior who fished beside me kept foul-hooking zombie chums and u know what, he actually kept two of them.. shortly after he left, another old guy with east european accent who i had been seeing at the river on my past three visit to the stave arrived.  he was a notorious snagger, a classical meat fisherman.  he fished with barbed hooks on his fireline, not only that, he also loved to just walk by and grabbed your spot while u walked inches away from it.  of course he would also pull the fish on the rocks and kicked(yes, he really did kick the fish like kicking for a field goal) i've talked to him a few times about that but he just didn't seem to care.  guess he just knows nothing about fishing regulation, let alone the etiquette. 
overall, it was a nice day being out at the river, i shall return to the stave next season. it's time to hang up my fishing gears for the year i think!  :)    ;)
Fish on!!! woohoo..!!


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Re: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2005, 07:39:11 PM »

There so many idiots at the stave. :-\ :-\ i would went to the chalis


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Re: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2005, 07:45:44 PM »

i went to the chehalis today, man what a beautiful day to be on the river, nothing but chums though, fished from noon on near the bible camp and hooked to many chums to count, the water level at the hatchery was so low that it was impossible for fish to swim up the river from there, all in all a fun day but still no ho's.
My hands smell like fish again.............


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Re: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2005, 11:00:07 PM »

ooo there are hoes in the got to work for em though. Iv got 5 hoes in 4 trips so fare.


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Re: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2005, 11:11:17 PM »

ya you really have to work for them, i fished the whole river top to bottem the other day and only manedged 1 not so clean ho.
My hands smell like fish again.............


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Re: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2005, 12:23:56 AM »

I do not think that the stave is over maybe for the chums but there is actually a strong run of cohos in December.
i don't know about that, but i sure hope that would happen so.  i just wish the ho's return is just late, just like that of the sock's.
Fish on!!! woohoo..!!


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Re: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2005, 02:01:31 AM »

I do not think that the stave is over maybe for the chums but there is actually a strong run of cohos in December.

That's good to know.  How about Chehalis?


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Re: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2005, 06:26:54 AM »

Staves not over yet, got a couple nice chrome hoes and released a few jacks yesterday all on the fly, Ive been getting some on some trips none on others. If you know where to look you can catch lots of chromers right thru november, infact some years right up till christmas.



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Re: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2005, 12:55:59 PM »

is it just me or are all you guys seeing these "european accent" guys snagging the heck out of the fish???? i thought it was my imagination, but at the vedder in sept. myself and another guy down shore of me on the vedder, got into it with these two 'Poles. who were flossing away, one guy took 6 fish and that's when we finally said "your out of here" and started to rip into him, his buddy was foul hooking fish and when i pointed it out he squeesed the fishs eye togeather and killed it and said "it's dead anyway" that sent me off on him....last time at suicide a guy shows up and starts flossing away and keeps landing some pretty nasty boots..again, myself and another guy on the river..(guy named jason, great guy, good fisherman) started asking him "what the hell are you doing"?

I'm from the U.S. and am married to a canuck, and i love your rivers, they are so beautiful compared to what's around me in b'ham and blaine etc..mud holes mostly...i try to keep my mouth shut because i don't want to be seen as an "ugly american" but lately i just can't seem to keep it shut...that's just total B.S. i take my digital camera now and will take their picture, they see me doing it too, i make sure of it..and i tell them i'm going to hand it over to your DOF and tell them what their doing...they tend to leave pretty quick after that....

I don't know if this is a "european thing" if they really need the fish that bad or what...but man, it's raping your fisheries...that and the garbage everywhere...another vent maybe but my buddy and i make sure to point out to offenders that they better be packing it back out with them and make sure they pick it up...OK, sorry for the blow...


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Re: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2005, 01:02:22 PM »



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Re: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2005, 01:09:49 PM »

Since your from Bellingham. You know the hatchery close to the Gas reserve?(the one that blow up a while back)
Have you fished there before? I think you can catch chum in there.


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Re: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2005, 01:17:31 PM »

When you witness such an incident, please phone one of the following numbers:

ORR (Observe, record, report) Line: 1-800-663-WILD

Chilliwack Conservation Office: (604) 795-8422

Mission DFO office: 604-814-1055

Chilliwack DFO office: 604-702-2278


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Re: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2005, 02:37:46 PM »

Since your from Bellingham. You know the hatchery close to the Gas reserve?(the one that blow up a while back)
Have you fished there before? I think you can catch chum in there.

no i haven't fished there....pretty much still finding my way with it...been to the nooksack and calif. and dakota creek..that was enough for hiking your rivers...been my longest break from golf and it's funny but i'm not missing it too much... 8)


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Re: Stave 14th. (season's very close to the end)
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2005, 02:43:49 PM »

If you would like, I'll ask my cousin for direction. He grew up there lived close to Haggens.