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Author Topic: A Double On Monday, Vedder On Jan. 23  (Read 3224 times)

chris gadsden

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A Double On Monday, Vedder On Jan. 23
« on: January 23, 2006, 07:06:36 PM »

Welcome once again to the Fishing Journal and hope everyone got out to vote today. I look forward to the results and must have this report completed by 7. ;D

After scouting a new area last night that looked very inviting I decided it would be worth a try first thing this morning. Last night I walked back to my vehicle with Ross who also was planning to return to the same spot so I knew there would be two on at least at this run.

I decided to try this area as the good old KE and "Root Run" had dried up for me the last 2 trips, maybe it was the dropping river levels in that area or maybe the fish were just not there on those visits

I arrived a little late at the new spot and 2 vehicles were ahead of me and just as I was halfway to the river I see Ross pull up behind me.

I briskly walk toward the river as daylight is breaking and see two anglers in the run I want to fish so I go to another run that is not quite as deep but very fishy looking just the same.

I have made a few casts when Ross joins me at the run and we fish together, Ross is using a worm, I my roe bags.

After a few casts the Maple Leaf drennan is gone from view, I strike but nothing is there. I tell Ross I just have missed one. Both of us throw a number of casts in the zone but no takers until I put on a fresh roe bag. On the next cast the float is gone once again, I strike with the same results. Of course it could have been a trout or a white fish one never knows.

We continue to flog the run but could not make this steelhead or another one give us another opportunity. A number of other anglers start to arrive on both sides of the river but we have seen nothing taken around us in the first hour of fishing.

I decide to leave Ross to the run and try a few slots further downstream a bit. I am fishing a side stream off a gravel bar but the slots are marginale at the best. I am just thinking of wading the side stream and go further downstream but the sidestream looked a little deep and swift to wade.

As I walk up the gravel bar I look at the main river where I am walking and something tells me the run opposite had some possibility.

I have just put on one of the egg sacks I had picked up last week that someone had dropped or thrown away. There had been about 24 of them and I had landed one fish and had a head shake on another so I knew they worked.

On the first cast in my new discovered run float down and the fight was on.  ;D ;D

The fish is a feisty, even though it does not become aerial or break water it journeys up river, across the river and down river trying to rid the hook that I hope is firmly embedded.

As we have resumed brood capture after taking the weekend off I start to wonder what I will do if it turns out to be another hatchery fish. Will I take it as I have not retained one since January the 3rd.

My wife is anxious for another fish for the table as I am as well but taking that fish will mean an early end to today fishing. As the fish nears the shore I see it is indeed a hatchery, still wondering what I should do the fish partly makes up my mind for me. As I bring it to the shore it starts flipping about pounding it side on the rocks, should not have brought it to shore in the shallows. As well I see there is some blood coming from the mouth, not bad but bleeding. These two facts make up my mind as I mark my third steelhead for 2006 on my license.

I have just finished marking my license I see Ross is into one This fish takes off downstream towards where I am. In slips into the sidestream beside me. As it goes over the shallows of the drop off Ray who is now fishing the spot I got my fish says 'Its a hatchery no fin" I tell him he has better eyes than me.

As Ross guides it to the shore we see Ray was correct, so I get my hands on the second steelhead of Ross the day as I grasp it around the head for Ross and hand it to him as Ross has his first hatchery fish of the year.

We have Ken snap a picture of the almost identical pair, both does in the 11 pound range.

Ross heads for home and I wait around the area for a while hoping someone will connect with a wild for the tube but it does not happen. I have coffee with Terry at Tims and weight the fish in a Fred's and it is a little over 11.

My day came to an early end but it made my wife happy and the fish made for a lovely dinner.

Tomorrow is another day and I hope the float goes down again and this time it will be a wild.

Better news that has come in, the Conservatives are rolling, rolling, rolling right along ;D ;D ;D to become the government in power. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 10:57:23 PM by chris gadsden »

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Re: A Double On Monday, Vedder On Jan. 23
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2006, 07:15:46 PM »

Great Job Chris!!  I see that you have got it going again!!  You know, one of these days you are going to lose that darn float!!  What will you do then? ;D ;D  My next trip out will be this weekend, so, till then I'll be in agony reading about all the fish that are being caught!! :P ;D
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Re: A Double On Monday, Vedder On Jan. 23
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2006, 07:51:39 PM »

another one, :o great read as always

Trout Slayer

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Re: A Double On Monday, Vedder On Jan. 23
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2006, 07:53:23 PM »

Nice work Chris. It's gonna be a circus around me tomorrow. Word must of got out that I banged 3 fish on Saturday as the cell phone wont stop ringing and people wanting to meet me tomorrow. :o But it will be my float the only one going under. ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 07:56:16 PM by Trout Slayer »


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Re: A Double On Monday, Vedder On Jan. 23
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2006, 07:58:35 PM »

Skipped school today to fish. Vedder, an unknown river to me, was overwhelming. Fished a few runs with no luck, then bumped over to chehalis to fish canyon and intake. Also looked in the hatchery channel, saw a few summer runs but only spotted one BIG winter (they are harder to spot cuz they're soo clean). No fish, but stilll better than sitting in class.

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Re: A Double On Monday, Vedder On Jan. 23
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2006, 08:07:02 PM »

Word must of got out that I banged 3 fish on Saturday as the cell phone wont stop ringing and people wanting to meet me tomorrow. :o But it will be my float the only one going under. ;D ;D ;D

I wonder how they knew  ;D ;D


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Re: A Double On Monday, Vedder On Jan. 23
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2006, 11:34:26 PM »

nice fish fellas, good read as allways chris.
Our kids are the future of our sport,take them fishing,teach them well and the rewards will be many.


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Re: A Double On Monday, Vedder On Jan. 23
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2006, 01:12:00 AM »

Have not fished since my 4-fish day last Wed. and the steelie bug is biting hard to read 'Master' Chris's daily journal.  He makes it too easy.  Congratulation again for another wonderful day.  Hopefully I can hit the river again on Wed. to quench the thirst. Bring on more fantastic journals, a daily must-read.


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Re: A Double On Monday, Vedder On Jan. 23
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2006, 06:59:25 AM »

good report Chris and nice fishes!!! reports from 3 of my friends from yesterday had them into 5 fish in the mid river, landing 3 and 2 were hatchery. Tomorrow will be my next adventure, though my afternoon today is looking pretty wide open hehehe. Got a load of fresh from the salt tiger prawns last night so today will be preparation of fresh bait and leader tying.


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Re: A Double On Monday, Vedder On Jan. 23
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2006, 07:36:44 AM »

WOW awsome job fish