Well I guess it's in tax and government support. How much tax does a farm generate? And how many jobs and family can farming support? How much farm aids are granted per year? If that 20 acres of cranberry farm ( property tax about 2000) are changed to M2 zoning you're looking at least 100X of that amount.
And potential number of employment? Well definitely more than 10 people. And when all these conversion took place. Which farming area will get hit first? Along highway corridors. Meaning, 99, Hwy1, 10, 15, 13, 1A, 99A.
So in economics standing point of view. The more people the more industrialized, the less farming is better.
But DO I want to live in a Huge Metropolitan? If I did I've moved to Toronto long ago.
However, Urban sprawl is inevitable. Unless making a living is not important. But I would like to see better public transit system. One that really makes sense.
Take parking fees for instance. Government raised parking fee and increase pay parking time period and locations, these measures did not reduce traffic just INCREASED city revenue.
RAV, skytrain, when transit was asked why no ticketing gates were setup, either manual ticket check or automatic. Their answer was too expansive. To have riders' ticket checked on the RAV will cost a good million or 2 in expanse but when government try to sell us the idea that RAV is a good project didn't forcast 100,000 in ridership per day? that will generate more than enough revenue to cover for the ticket check expanse. Unless the forecast is bogus.
Anyway I'm getting off topic. Port Mann does require expansion. But it should not be tolled. Ministry may give you grand reasons as tolling will reduce traffic. That is simply not true. Find a tolled Hwy that actually reduced traffic? Look at metropolitan NY tolled bridge reduces traffic I said not.