Even though I do not go after Sockeye due to my personal choice not to angle this way for them
, I thought in keeping this web site as the best and up to date I would post this.
Through a very good sourse of information it looks like sockeye could open as early as July 16th but more likely on July 23rd. It looks like it will run for about a month to August 23 but as you know FOC can open and close at will.
Also to protect the Cultus Lake Sockeye a boundary marker will placed some where above the confluence of the Sumas to protect these fish, it could be placed around Grassy but I would think that would be way to high. The powers to be will be going out on the water this Monday to decide. Please do not get to worked up about this and start making phone calls to FOC about this as there is very good representation from the Fraser Valley Salmon Society on these decisions.
FVSS your voice for fresh water fishing on the Fraser River.
Check out their web site for the latest news.
Good luck for those that will be after these sockeye, for me the good Doctor and a few others it will be bar fishing for those 20 pound plus springs and who knows we may even have a sockeye grab our #2 Doctors as I have caught maybe 2 or 3 in thirty years of bar fishing for springs.
Tomorrow I plan to spend the whole day bar fishing as I finally have Leaf Craft safely home from the hospital and she is ready to
roll out of Island 22 bright and early on another fishing adventure as we go for spring #5.