you guys are wimps. i took down a fullgrown grissley with my bare hands and my sheer will to live.
do tell us the story FISHER..........i too have had my share of wild animal attacks
as for ROSCO using a dragonfly nymph that a kid gave him out of his dipnet, in all honesty he used it for about 8 seconds before it was gone. He has since been informed that you can't use aqautic insects that you find at the lake. does'nt matter anyways, we both have an excellent selection of dragonfly nymph fly patterrns that look better than the real thing.
everybody on this forum has made a mistake like this at one point or another in their fishing history. to be honest, i did not know either that this was against the regs. now i do. so does Rosco, he made a little booboo and it wont happen again.
in any case the wrath should be directed at the guy who has systematically depleted the trout in that lake, by catching 20+ fish a day with treble hooks and set lines. too bad the bear we chased away did'nt give that guy a scare!!!!

FLYNUT.....float fishing works excellent in this lake....use light tackle (2 - 4 lb test line, tiny floats, #10 - #14 hooks) or grab your flyrod and sink a line down to the bottom with a dragonfly nymph or leech pattern..........the weirdest fly i used in this lake was a streamer flyhook, covered in dark drab green thick wool thread, wrapped in thin copper wire....bagged loads of trout with that one in the 2002 season.....