Thanks, thickrick. You're right, I couldn't have ordered up a better day than that one. Get this, though, when I shared the fish pic with my fishing buddy, he said "how do we know that wasn't wild and that you really had to release it anyways"? Easy, I said, "because it was a hatch", I told him. He said "but the pic isn't conclusive, you can't see the clipped adipose"". I told him I wasn't after "proof", just a nice clean photo without my hand in it! Sheesh
... what a guy has to go through to prove a point! Hey, I was out again yesterday. Naturally, I hit that "spot" a few times but no luck. I also fished mid-river, but spent much of my day on the upper flow, well above Tamahi. I managed to get into one around 3 pm, but lost it after a few headshakes. It was way too bright/sunny to coax those skiddish steelies to bite. Need some rain and cloud cover. Forecast calls for mostly clouds the rest of this week, but not much rain and with the mountain chill still hanging on, don't bet on any snowmelt either just yet. Then I had to listen to the Canucks get trounced by the Wings on the way home
! What a difference a day or two makes!