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Author Topic: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method  (Read 32829 times)


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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #30 on: June 27, 2006, 07:30:26 AM »

Do you think only good spring bottom bouncers are gonna be out there, give me a break, Yesterday there were no FN nets out up this way but lots of bottom bouncers In places that catch sockeye using methods that catch sockeye maybe there should be some sort of test to see who's a good spring bottom bouncer and who isn't ;D, or just put a leader restriction on and just about totally eliminate any bycatch. We can't do anything about what the DFO and the the natives do between themselves  but we can clean up our act as sportfishers.


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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #31 on: June 27, 2006, 10:31:20 AM »

or just put a leader restriction on and just about totally eliminate any bycatch.

How? last year sockeye were caught on bar rigs very often. Not even barfishing is selective.  If Stuart sockeye need to be protected like others have mentioned. Close the river to fishing for all groups. Until the time Stuart sockeye pass by.


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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #32 on: June 27, 2006, 02:21:46 PM »

I've bar fished 38 years and probably only caught 6 or 7 sockeye in that time, I keep my leader down to about 12 inches when barfishing and it helps. If you are bbing with a long leader you are definitely not doing anything to avoid the sockeye. Whatever, if they have to close the river so be it, at least that way the other user groups won't use us as an excuse to fish for the Stuarts. If we were restricted to a short leader we could avoid the large majority of the sockeye while still being able to angle for springs I still can't see the problem with implementing such a restriction, last week in Hope the DFO had three boats and nine officers out practicing their operational skills, had they launched one boat in Hope one at Carey road and one at Island 22 they could have checked every recreational angler on the river for leader length and still be back at Tim's for afternoon coffee.


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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #33 on: June 27, 2006, 02:36:56 PM »

you think they will actually use nets with larger openings so that Sockeye can swim through while the Springs get caught?? I don't think so.... and do you think a Sockeye caught in a net has any chance of making it up river ?????

DFO is required to provide openings for First Nations, the law says so. The main concern isn't how many more fish they harvest than the sportfishing sector. They are entitled to. This isn't what I agree or disagree, this is just the way is unless the rules are changed. The concerns that we should strongly express is the absence of transparency between DFO, the sportfishing sector and First Nations. On one hand, First Nations see the increasing interest in the sportfishing sector on the Fraser River as a threat to their way of life. On the other hand, sportfishermen do not agree with the way harvested fish are being recorded in the First Nations' fisheries. All groups recognize these issues, and talks have been set up since last year. Progress is small, but at least there is some.

Until that law changes I don't think there are too many sportfishermen that are going to take the DFO serious.. me included.. it is ignorant and it is stupid.. obviously the nets are going to take many more sockeye than the BB's are .... if the Natives are entitled by law to take more fish then that means the law is flawed and needs to be changed!!!!!!!!!!

... RICK WAS ......
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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #34 on: June 27, 2006, 10:24:39 PM »

Aaaahhh! A flossing thread! Finally! ;D

As long as the regs are not specific, it all comes down to personal choice. If you feel your absence from the Fraser can make a difference, stay home or go somewhere else. Simple.

For those of you who are itching to head out and cast some betties despite the DFO request/requirement, here's a piece of advice. Keep your leader down to three feet, cast far and deep, keep your drift shorter and you probably won't catch a single Stuart - nor a chinook for that matter.  :D

Oh, and by all means, avoid green wool! :P


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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #35 on: June 28, 2006, 06:00:18 AM »

    OK as of yesterday the DFO had still not sent this notice to all the sporting goods stores that people go to to read fisheries notices Cheyenne Sports got theirs yesterday afternoon CHWK Dart and Tackle had not received one yet at 5:00 PM. I phoned DFO starting early inthe morning to see why these notices were not faxed out. I got one person that hadn't heard of it first, to her credit she read it and got back to me with three phone numbers deeper in the organisation, the next two people I phoned were not in the office and the last one I phoned had read the notice, didn't know why it wasn't published better,  and actually got hold of the person in charge, henceforth Cheyenne Sports got a copy. In the time I took phoning these people I could have gotten a phone directory and faxed a copy to every sporting goods store in BC, after I come in from fishing today I will phone back to inform them that they are still missing some outlets.
    The DFO's handling and publishing and the language they used Has all been done in a totally wussy manor so I guess they are probably giving the sports angling community way more credit for actually giving a cupcakes than we deserve. But they have made this request and we should abide by it. Using the fact that some FN's may be fishing as an excuse to use methods that TARGET sockeye when we have been requested not to is putting sports fishers out there front and center as part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
   Some day in the future I can picture the last ten sockeye swimming up the river ther'll be a fleet of commercial boats, a band of FN's with drift nets, and 600 "sports anglers" with 25' leaders all arguing about who's got  the right to kill them.


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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #36 on: June 28, 2006, 08:06:03 AM »

Milo, you troller. :P ;D Did you get my package a couple months ago? I sent you a couple of emails but I think they didn't get through.

Nosey, good to see you are taking some actions. You better be careful otherwise you'll turn into a Chris as well, then you'll never be fishing again. ;D I do have some key contacts for you to voice your concerns. Let me get organized here as my luggages are still scattered around the room and I will get back to you later.


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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #37 on: June 28, 2006, 03:11:57 PM »

The last person I talked to this morning at DFO was Linda Stevens, she was polite, knowledgable, and concerned that this notice didn't get published better. She told me that she was setting out immediately to rectify that. Pay attention guys the DFO is serious about sports anglers not using methods that TARGET sockeye, if you start to catch sockeye change your method or change your location(don't just change the colour of your wool) I still think a simple leader restriction would have made this clearer to everyone involved, but lets work with what we've got.
  As for becoming like Chris I had time to fish this morning, thank you, and my keyboard skills are no match for his.
  It is so unlike my nature not to resort to name calling and finger pointing but in this case I'd sooner have people listen and keep the river open.


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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #38 on: June 28, 2006, 06:08:17 PM »

Milo, you troller. :P ;D Did you get my package a couple months ago? I sent you a couple of emails but I think they didn't get through.

Yes, I did, Rodney, and I sent you a thank you note via email. The stuff has already been put to good use.  :)
Thank you again. Big Fish and I are soon heading out for some Vedder action and we just might have a photo surprise or two in store for you! ;)

Big Steel

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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #39 on: June 28, 2006, 09:32:59 PM »

Milo, you troller. :P ;D Did you get my package a couple months ago? I sent you a couple of emails but I think they didn't get through.

Yes, I did, Rodney, and I sent you a thank you note via email. The stuff has already been put to good use.  :)
Thank you again. Big Fish and I are soon heading out for some Vedder action and we just might have a photo surprise or two in store for you! ;)

Big Fish!!!  Is that what you are calling me now?? ;D ;D  BTW, Meelo, I already have some pics in for the Contest, so maybe I wouldn't mind getting skunked for a day!!! ;D ;D :o ;D  Can't let you win them all!! ;) :D
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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #40 on: June 29, 2006, 10:27:15 AM »

OK. if "YOU" are concerned and you want to bounce to harvest Chinook do he following.

Go to the store and buy CIRCLE hooks and use them.

Why, because DFO has looked at this option and found the circle hooks hardly ever snag.

DFO is working through their system a variation order of allow them to use this option in the future. ( It takes forever to get it through).

They, DFO will be using this option in the future to resolve the snagging problem as noted on this thread for endangered runs.

Rodney it is in the IMFP.

So, if you want to bounce use circle hooks.

By the way they still catch fish and will be coming as a regulation in the future. They have been tested on the Fraser and in U.S. rivers.

chris gadsden

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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2006, 11:12:37 AM »

How were the results with them when bar fishing? I guess one way would be to try them wouldn't it. ;D ;D

Fishin Freak

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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #42 on: June 29, 2006, 05:58:20 PM »

I've used circle hooks before bouncing and it makes no difference, but if they want to make it law to discourage people that's alright with me. Whatever floats their boat!


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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #43 on: June 30, 2006, 12:14:52 AM »

Quote from: Big Steel link

Big Fish!!!  Is that what you are calling me now?? ;D ;D  BTW, Meelo, I already have some pics in for the Contest, so maybe I wouldn't mind getting skunked for a day!!! ;D ;D :o ;D  Can't let you win them all!! ;) :D

But of course...with all those pics of huge red springs you have been posting recently, Big Steel simply doesn't fit you this time of year. :P


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Re: Fraser River Sockeye Closure, Selective Fishing Method
« Reply #44 on: July 08, 2006, 11:45:38 AM »

Do you think only good spring bottom bouncers are gonna be out there, give me a break, Yesterday there were no FN nets out up this way but lots of bottom bouncers In places that catch sockeye using methods that catch sockeye maybe there should be some sort of test to see who's a good spring bottom bouncer and who isn't ;D, or just put a leader restriction on and just about totally eliminate any bycatch. We can't do anything about what the DFO and the the natives do between themselves  but we can clean up our act as sportfishers.

Hear Hear.

Anglers should be spearheading the way and setting an example for being responsible and conservationally minded users.

It doesnt matter the numbers of other users. The fact remains that anglers are stubbornly snagging fish when they could be using much much more selective measures that have been very very successful of late for chinook.

I wasnt aware that people have snagging down to an art where they can selectively hook certain species!?!?!  ;D ::)

Dont play the numbers game! Sure, nets are potentially very bad, Im not taking that fact away, but dont use that as an excuse to behave poorly as well. Only the fish lose when people do that.  :'(

I have a right to fish and a responsibility to treat this right as a privilege.

Ethics is your actions and behaviour when no one is watching.

A problem well stated is a problem half solved.

Since when was snagging just a question of ethics and personal choice?