So, late last night, I received a call from a Buddy, that I hadn't fished with yet. He told me about a spot that he had come across, and had hit a couple fish in there already this year. He said that he was going out tomorrow with a couple of guys, and asked if I wanted to tag along!! I said sure, what time are we leaving?? Stupid question it turns out, because he at that point said that he would pick me up at 3:30am!!
Aww Crap, it is already 10 pm!! Oh well, I can sleep when I'm dead I thought!!
So anyways, I drag my sorry but out of bad at 3am, already had my gear ready from last Sunday with Brian. Strolled outside and he was already there. So off we go for a day we knew was going to be a hot one!! Got to the Launching area at about 5:15 or so. Finally, I get to have my first smoke of the morning!!
Got the boat in and high tailed it out to his secret little stomping ground!! Rods were set, we were ready for some action!! So we waited, and waited....... For about a half hour when I take a look at my rod and it is bending a lot more than it should be
, so I briskly walk over, and by the time a grab it, it is pulling good and headed up river!! Hook set, but couldn't get much of one, and the thing takes off, line screaming and after about 10 seconds, I am screaming with my line burning my thumb!!
So in the boat we go, which I didn't think we would have to do, I mean come on, I am using a big assed rod!! Anyhow, about 25 min later, we are on another shore, and the little buggar is ready to give up!! Well, that was highly entertaining AND I got into my first Spring of the year!!
Here is a pic!!
So we make it up river, and I take a break!! Watching the other rods now AS I am completely riled up now!! About 40 min after that, my buddies rod starts bouncing and he is into a decent fish!! I would have a pic of that one, but he didn't want a pic!! He must have two many I guess!!
So they get back from that one, nice chromer of about 20lbs. Then shortly after that, A guy who I cannot for the life of me remember his name, gets one as well!!
This one about 17-19lbs. Here is a pic of that one!!
We got into one more, this one a bit smaller, didn't want a pic of that one either, but it was a chromer as well!!
All in all, an awesome way to spend a vacation so far, only usually I catch bigger Sturgeon than Spring!! Tomorrow, I hope to have some of the same luck out in the Chuck!!
Here are a couple more pics just for the hell of it!!