Should have went on the official clean up,worked late last night,woke up late, but swore to pick up whatever garbage or fish I saw today. Got to the canal at 12ish and tossed the kayak in for some exercise, looked slow. Passed what turned out to be the last of the morning fisherpersons heading back,no luck was there response.
decded to keep paddling to familiarize myself with the underwater obsticles when trolling with the motor so I don't break another shear pin on the new 4 stroke. Kept hearing splashing sounds behind me (thinking them to be beavers),when rod goes back full pull. Bam it jumps and off. Keep going and
bam small one about 2lbs
dinner for tonight. Kept trying differant lures on the way back because fish are just hopping all around me. Right then bam, waste time reeling in large pikeminnow that took my lure. Have to be back early for dinner and just as well as it all ends with not long after the bite started. Rowed back in the wind.