Eddie, I can see your point in regrads to the thread, however I also remember being a younger fisherman much like The Roe Kid and should the opportunity to kill a fish or two present itself I remember taking it. However, as one gets older and wiser they appreciate the sport for more than just the fish and will find ways to challenge themselves such as catching a chinook or steelhead on the fly, spey fishing the Thompson/Dean, or getting coho to take a jig etc...
Muddler, in regards to jacks breeding with adult females and ruining the gene pool: (from what I can recall in articles and past discussions) their offspring are no different then the offspring of two "full" sized adults. Jacks are predisposition ed and the immature males are natures insurance to ensure that enough males make it back to the spawning grounds. If you really want bigger and more fish, improve spawning habitat, ocean survival rates and feeding conditions and yes genetics plays a role, but please do not underestimate the impact the environment has on a fishes "genetic" make up. Its pretty difficult to get big and healthy without good food and a conducive environment for growth. Tight Lines, Winter Steel.