as AliG would put it, RESPEK!
give people space, say hello, dont be a dick. People who have fished the vedder for a while and are having a hard time putting up with the crowds that are coming now have to realize that the river doesnt belong to anyone...and those that are relatively new to the river, like myself, need to realize that there are guys that have been fishing there for their entire lives, and we should give everyone a little respect and try not to crowd them so much. If a run looks crowded, I wont even bother going near it. I'll either find one that isnt, or if i cant, I'll watch for a while and call it a day, and chalk it up to not getting up early enough. Too many people think its their "right" to a spot and show complete disregard to those around them. If everyone did that and showed a little respect, you'd find that you can still have a good time without pissing people off. Its nice just to be at the river....with time, some people figure this out.