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Author Topic: A Different Day On The Chilliwack Vedder, The Journal For The End Of September  (Read 3560 times)

chris gadsden

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As always a very pleasant and warm greeting to all for a Friday evening edition of the Journal on FWR your top fishing forum for fishing information on the web. As the weekend is finally here for those that have put in a hard week and I am sure many are planning as well as looking forward to their fishing outings. These fishing adventures will take anglers to many different locations throughout the Province be it a river, a lake or the ocean all seeking that trophy salmon or trout. Good luck to all, make it a safe outing as well.

With some good fishing reports filtering in the last few days I had no trouble hitting the deck at 5:30 hoping today I would finally hook into a adult coho or two. As well in corresponding with Rodney last night he also was making a early morning trip so I know we would be heading to Cookies for breakfast if nothing else after the outing.

Rodney had his eyes on a different run than I as I would be heading back to The Maple Leaf Stealth Run that had yielded my last fish on Monday, a red spring jack.

First order of business was to get the weekly garbage out that included some garbage I had picked up at KWB during the week. The stars are still blinking brightly in the clear sky above as I drag out the refuse to the curb. Looks like another Summer like day ahead but do we ever need some rain, for many different reasons.

The Leaf Mobile is now loaded and off we head, for a double double at Tims, I splurge for a muffin as well. As I leave my favorite coffee stop I notice commuters are backed right out onto the main road, poor people having to get up so early to join the rat race to the West and beyond. How lucky I am, going fishing and no schedule to keep.

I slip back onto Lickman Road, heading South, enjoying my muffin chased down with steaming Java, not a care in world. On the radio the first traffic collision reports are coming in from Jenna Chow on CBC, how can people put up with all the traffic day in and day out.

These reports quickly slip from my mind as I park the Leaf Mobile, in front of some houses, to decrease the chance of a break in. I notice a couple of other fishers ahead of me hustling to their chosen starting run. As I join the parade daylight that is getting later each day now is starting to break over the Easterly mountains as I head in the same direction.

Bird life is starting their day as well, song birds fluttering out of the bushes beside the trail, seagulls and crows greeting the morning with their harsh calls.

I wade the small sidestream craning my neck to see if anyone is a head of me but the only one fishing is a Great Blue Heron who quickly vacates as I approach. The run looks so inviting this morning as I slip a small roe sack over the gammy. Just as I move to make the first cast of the day I notice a pair of pliers laying in the sand. (Anyone lose a pair describe for a return).

Not like other days at this spot, no fish are breaking water. The Maple Leaf Stealth looks so good in the much too clear water conditions as it drifts downstream uninterrupted.

A few fish are now showing themselves, will a bite follow as well I wonder. Finally the red top of the Maple Leaf Stealth dives from my sight, I strike, contact, as a fish of some sort is struggling on the end of the 8 pound test leader. As the line becomes taunt I hear the hum or murmur of the line against the brisk wind from the East, maybe more like a musician strumming their guitars' strings to some favorite tune. Sweet music to this anglers ears.

I am hoping for a coho of course but the way it is acting I quickly know it is a jack spring. After a few minutes it is at my feet, I slip it ashore, tonights dinner.

Talking about dinner a late one is now in the offering, back for part two of The Journal shortly.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2006, 08:44:41 PM by chris gadsden »


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  • Roe Wizzard

Awsome part one chris, cant wait for 2 ;)


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I think you enjoy leaving us in suspence..ahhh the writer in you, good to hear that something hit Roe for a change...hope that's a good sign!!


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probably examining the backs of his eyelids...

the anticipation is pure torture!

"Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, each pursuing his own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of the commons. Freedom in the commons brings ruin to all."

-Garrett Hardin

Fish Assassin

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Must be quite a dinner he's having. :D


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Well I guess the jack spring was the last thing, before the CPU crashed and went to bed. Sweet dreams, maple leaf drennen, and all that stuff is what Chris is saying now. Go figure :-\
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?

chris gadsden

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With a jack in the bag it was time now to see if I could break the adult coho jinx, never have I gone so long into the season with out one. Some fish are jumping regularly in front of me but as hard as I try the float will not go down again.

Just at the end of a drift the cell phone rings, I wade ashore so as not to to maybe drop the ringing phone into the drink as I fumble for it.

It is Rodney, we exchange how the morning is going, I will let him relate himself how he was doing. We decide to meet at Cookies, in a hour, 9:30.

I fish the spot for 30 minutes more and the only excitement was a crow who I notice is trying to dine on my prize catch of the day ;D "get out of here you black bandit" I shout in his direction, that remark is enough to send him on his way but he caws back at me in some crow swear language.

As I work my way back to the direction of the parking lot I try another run, fish are jumping there also but in the 15 minutes of trying I have no takers. Two other anglers, one a very experienced angler has had nothing all morning. My jack is starting to look good.

I pick up two floats, a few bottles left by some irresponsible anglers as I leave the river behind.

As I start the 10 minute drive to meet Rodney the cell phone rings again, I think it is Rodney as I am running late. However it is a FOC enforcement officier returning my call from yesterday. A few other anglers had mentioned to me they had observed some illegal activity going on so I said i would pass the information on and maybe get some people out on the river. The officier said they would be working the river today, some working plain clothes. ;D

I arrive at Cookies 12 minutes late and Rodney is there of course, eager for his late breakfast.

An enjoyable breakfast and visit of course and he tells me my old friend Fish Assassin is out on the river today, I said "You should have asked him to join us for breakfast, I would like to met him in person after all these years of him insulting my Leafs". ;D

With breakfast complete Rodney says he is going home, I decide to head up river to see if I can find a spot there ,although I seldom fish that high up.

As I near the Limit Hole area I pull over to see how some anglers are doing there, not an area I would fish. I work along the bank cleaning up some garbage and some bottles including some propane cannisters. I see an angler just slipping a nice looking coho in a bag. I also notice a couple of skiens of roe on a rock there also. I continue to cleanup and then while taking it back to the truck a vehicle stops and the driver jumps out and calls out to me.

He says something to the fact "you donot know who I am do you"? Just as I think could this be my old friend Fish Assassin, the one who belittles my Leafs at every chance he gets, I hear those words " I am Fish Assassin" Finally after all these years I meet him, we exchange some banter similar to what we do most nights here before he rushes away as quick as he appeared, saying he had to get is nephew back home but I think it was my Leaf hat that scared him. ;D Good to meet you my friend.

I go back to observe the anglers and see the roe still there, I ask a angler if it was his, he says no so I slip down and pick it up, looks under the legal amount one can have on your person. As I talk to the fellow he tells me that the fellow with the coho had taken a wild one, I thought he had left in a hurry. Apparently someone said to the chap it was OK to take it as it was a poor adipose clip but the fellow I talked to said it was a wild, no doubt about it.

As I climb back up the bank I see a filleting knife laying among the rip rap. I ask around but they all said it was not their's. One person said it was most likely the fellow that left in hurry with the wild coho that had dropped it. I wait around to see it the fellow would return but I doubted he would after retaining a wild fish. I left my phone number with another angler if he did return and wanted to claim it but that too would be doubtful.

I then leave the area and visit the hatchery where I am offered a coffee. during the conversation they say there is about 2,000 in the hatchery now. Before I leave I slip down and there is some beauties there thats for sure. Wish I could catch one but they would not fancy me fishing in the channel  ;D and of course I am not that disperate yet. ::) I capture a few on camera, we may post if they turn out. The size will make ones mouth water.

I then stop at the Limits Hole and see a few anglers working the area, just as I prepare to leave the FOC officier I was taking to earlier on the phone arrives on the scene to check the goings on there, good to see them out and about I tell them. Told them they had just missed the taking of a unclipped coho but with no license number nothing could be done.

I decide to head back down river forgetting about fishing for the day. Stopped and got a few more bottles and found a full jar of scented single eggs. (Anyone drop a jar?)

I then stop at Freds Custom Tackle and visit Gwyn who is selling raffle tickets for the Chilliwack River Action Committee fundraiser. We sell 3 when I was there. I believe he sold 18 during the half day he was there. Directors will be selling them there on Sunday, stop by and support the boys if you can.

With the clock nearing three, time to call it a day, nap time. ;D

Anyway I guess it was eventful type of day, catching a fish, a good visit with Rodney, finding a pair of pliers, a knife, single eggs, a couple of skiens of roe, nearly seeing a unclipped coho taken, around $6 worth of bottles, observing some very nice coho, even though they were in the hatchery and something that really made it different meeting Fish Assassin. That in itself makes one just want to keep rolling, rolling, rolling right along ;D ;D ;D right out onto the river for another adventure, another Journal.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2006, 11:27:19 PM by chris gadsden »

Fish Assassin

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Pleasure meeting you as well Chris. Sorry I didn't have time to chat more. Despite my best effort I was 3/4 hour late getting my nephew to his class. I was making good progress til I hit the gridlock outside of Surrey and the Port Mann Bridge. :(

Your version of events is slightly off. Here is the truth (as I see it  ;)) As I was driving down the road I noticed what appeared to be a homeless person wearing an old faded Leaf hat looking for empties. Feeling somewhat sorry for him I stopped to offer him a Timmy's coffee and perhaps a sandwich. As I approached I can barely hear him mumbling to himself "Those damn Leafs, damn Leafs. Haven't won since 1967. Damn Leafs.  ;D Afraid of being assaulted by that mad man I beat a hasty retreat back to car and left. And that is the rest of the story.


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Good report as usual chris. I cant believe you find so much stuff if never found anything around the river :D good to hear about the enforcement on the river i dont think a trip goes by on the vedder where i dont see a violation. Even at the low pressure runs im starting to see snaggers appearing >:( .

chris gadsden

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Pleasure meeting you as well Chris. Sorry I didn't have time to chat more. Despite my best effort I was 3/4 hour late getting my nephew to his class. I was making good progress til I hit the gridlock outside of Surrey and the Port Mann Bridge. :(

Your version of events is slightly off. Here is the truth (as I see it  ;)) As I was driving down the road I noticed what appeared to be a homeless person wearing an old faded Leaf hat looking for empties. Feeling somewhat sorry for him I stopped to offer him a Timmy's coffee and perhaps a sandwich. As I approached I can barely hear him mumbling to himself "Those damn Leafs, damn Leafs. Haven't won since 1967. Damn Leafs.  ;D Afraid of being assaulted by that mad man I beat a hasty retreat back to car and left. And that is the rest of the story.
Gosh with a post like this I will quickly loose my credibility, if I every had any, next you will be calling me a binner or a dumpster diver. ;D ;D Second thought to that, what is wrong with being a binner anyway. ;D
« Last Edit: September 30, 2006, 10:53:16 AM by chris gadsden »


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Pleasure meeting you as well Chris. Sorry I didn't have time to chat more. Despite my best effort I was 3/4 hour late getting my nephew to his class. I was making good progress til I hit the gridlock outside of Surrey and the Port Mann Bridge. :(

Your version of events is slightly off. Here is the truth (as I see it  ;)) As I was driving down the road I noticed what appeared to be a homeless person wearing an old faded Leaf hat looking for empties. Feeling somewhat sorry for him I stopped to offer him a Timmy's coffee and perhaps a sandwich. As I approached I can barely hear him mumbling to himself "Those damn Leafs, damn Leafs. Haven't won since 1967. Damn Leafs.  ;D Afraid of being assaulted by that mad man I beat a hasty retreat back to car and left. And that is the rest of the story.

LOL  ;D ;D ;D

Thx FA always like to start my days with a good laugh..

... RICK WAS ......
....... HERE..........

XG Flosses with his Spey !!


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  • stinkytroutboy

well done great report
crab cakes

Big Steel

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Great report yet again Chris. Thanks.  It seems as though we are going to have a fun year with Chris eh FA!!! ;D ;D  Almost time for the games to begin.  I will be out on the river tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it.  Must get me another hatchery Coho as I let the first one go to please the Fish god's.  3 wilds since.  ;D ;D
Fishing and Cars.... gotta love it!


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Enjoy reading your reports Chris. Thanks!


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Photos of coho at the hatchery attached, log in to see.

I don't really have much else to add to the report, except a miss on the second drift of the morning and a hook-up on the forth drift that lasted five seconds due to carelessness. ::)

The visit to Cookies was very nice though! :) Cookies is where I go after a morning of skunking. What better way to erase the frustration than stuffing yourself with a giant Cookies omlette. ;)