Friday night seeing river has been up, or better yet surged to over 2m this must have triggered those cohos out of holding spots. So buddy and I arranged to head up to the river Sat. afternoon after morning chores. Got all gears checked, double checked and packed ready to go. Sat. morning during work, wife called. " Hey friend's coming over for afternoon tea you better stay home." !@#@*&$ That's no friend of mine!!! What kind of friend would deprive their friends of 'fishing' trip on such a fine day!!!
Whole day long, the Mrs. is seeing mine LONG face and me acting out my misery.
Surely, about dinner time buddy called "Hey, you missed a fine day, fish are moving through." We got into a few cohos, though alot wild but hey they are coho.
URRRGH, that's just.... All night that evening I'm seeing coho in my dreams. This is bad, I just couldn't sleep well. So 6:30am I called up my buddy "Let's go fishing". So we left about 7:00am. Man oh man has that river came up. And the freezing wind, brrrrr... Guess winter is just around the corner. Anyways, it took us a few while to setup as the fingers are really cold. Finally we are fishing.
Though, today is nothing compared to yesterday, according to my buddy but still managed a few....