Old Trout and Biffchan have it bang on... Grade 10 is super important, and you build the habits you need to get the good marks you need in grade 11 and 12... Don't close those doors, cause when you move out, you might be stuck making 10 dollars an hour, and you need to be able to afford the gas money, insurance, and vehicle costs to actually get yourself fishing...
Believe me it's so important! As Biffchan said, we may not be telling you what you want to hear, but do everything you can to get good grades, and the hard work you put in will make your work life come that much easier.
Besides, you don't want to be watching me whip by you in my jet boat while you fish from shore do ya?
Maybe if you're good and you get all marks at least C+ on your next report card, I will take out and show you some spots...