Wasn't too sure what this would go under - so thought this was a good bet. Now, maybe because I am female and older this bothers me more but just a word from a grandma - when two people are fishing - just learning to fish a new river - Capilano - it is not very nice or gentlemanly to stand and watch and make fun. I was at the Cap this morning with my husband, who is even knewer to salmon fishing then me, and when people are watching and making snide comments and laughing at how I am casting does not instill faith in oneself, nor a good temper in my husband. My hunny can fly fish beautifully - but this new float way is a bit to master. So, next time you see, if any of you fellows were there and involved in the snickering and laughter at our expense, maybe you should try to encourage or help. I would hope none of you are like that, as I truly enjoy coming here to read and learn more from experienced salmon fisherman(woman)
Now, this afternoon when I was there, the fellows were at least civil - let me watch them bring the fish in, even had a few kind words to say, told me about the trails, and one even let me fish beside him (even with my bad casting).
Just not nice this morning - not very nice at all.
Oh, about the fish - they were catching them, or snagging them if you call that fishing - I tried with my float and wool but nothing. That's ok.... Next weekend we are getting 9" rods and maybe new reels so we'll see if that makes a difference.
I was pleased to speak with you fellows this afternoon

If any of you are on here - I appreciated the help and hope you enjoyed the roe

Good luck all - and just remember to be nice to new people - that is how we learn.