rln that is very very very generous of you and you can be sure that it will be much appreciated by all that enter the derby !!!
I want everyone that is entering to know that I will be handing out tickets to the entrants when they give me the $20 entry fee, so it is important that you make it to the Tim Horton's on Lickman before 6:30 am.. I will be there before 6 and I will most likely stay there until around 7am , but I am also fishing that day and would like to be able to get out to the river for a couple of hours also
so the earlier you can get there the better !! We are handing out prizes for the top three fish and the earliest entered , there are some excellent prizes to be won including a drift rod and a centerpin reel, Labour for a custom rod build as well as many lures..and much much more !!! I am donating a really nice Jacket by Stormtech that is worth around $130 .. so as you can see the prizes are quite spectacular methinks
I will also be handing out raffle tickets to those in the derby when you arrive for the BBQ and weigh in, so even if you don't catch a fish you will have a great chance at winning something anyways
in the case that there aren't enough fish enetered in the Derby we will be raffling off all the prizes so don't think that you're $20 entry fee will be wasted!! you will still have an excellent chance of winning something !!!!