So here is my lackluster report from yesterday!!
Made it out for a long day yesterday, fished from first light through till after 3. Started up top, saw nothing there, then hit mid, and after a while, saw a couple. A nice 12-13 lb long slender doe. Man that was a beautiful fish, Took a couple pics for the guy and his dog. Funny thing the dog grabbed the guys line a couple times, and I thought for sure the fish was going to make it's escape.
But I ran out into the river and grabbed the fish when I saw it was a hatchery. Then after pounding it a bit more, headed down to the Peach rd area and realized that the water I wanted to fish now was on the other side of the river. Mental note for next time. Nice water down there, just better fished from the other bank. Hammered it around the area for about 2 hrs then decided I was done. Saw or heard of nothing in that area. 0-6 and counting for me!! Getting to be a man possessed now, and think that I will head up tomorrow and New Years day, so no partying for me, this is more important!!
The cool thing is, the girlfriend knows how important this is to me, and backs me 100%!!!
SO I may be 0 fer 8 by the time I have to go back to work, but not for lack of trying. But I am getting closer, the last few trips I have been in the right general area, and I now have 5 runs that I have seen produce fish. So.......